WolfWare News: January 2020

Here is your latest WolfWare news, compiled to help you make the most effective use of WolfWare.
Tips and Reminders
Top Hat: The student engagement platform, Top Hat, is available to NC State faculty to use in their classrooms at no cost to their students. Visit go.ncsu.edu/tophat to learn more.
Zoom is available for your web conferencing needs. Learn more about Zoom’s rich set of features and how to get started.
Turnitin is available within Moodle to support the process of original writing in your class. It provides instructors with enhanced grading tools for giving feedback to your students. Review an overview of Turnitin.
Requesting a WolfWare/Moodle Course Space
Faculty Workshops: DELTA regularly offers workshops on WolfWare technologies, including Moodle, Mediasite, WolfWare WordPress and Zoom, in addition to other teaching with technology topics. Check out our workshop schedule and register for sessions.
LMS Maintenance Windows: We reserve blocks of time to take WolfWare components offline for upgrades and maintenance. View the maintenance schedule to stay up-to-date with WolfWare availability. We will post a notification reminder about maintenance windows on WolfWare approximately one week prior.
Important Resources
WolfWare Roadmap: Are you interested in what we are working on and have planned for the future? Take a look at the roadmap to get an idea of what has been done and what is planned for WolfWare. Future items are all subject to change, contact wolfware_governance@ncsu.edu if specifics are needed.
Feature Requests and General Feedback: We welcome your input to make our WolfWare technologies as useful as possible to your teaching. To provide feedback and to submit (or view) feature requests, go to wolfware.ncsu.edu and select “Send Feedback” at the bottom of the page.
Thank you for your interest! Please don’t hesitate to contact DELTA’s LearnTech help desk at 919.513.7094, or email learntech@ncsu.edu if you need assistance.