WolfWare News: Fall 2024
Here’s your latest WolfWare News, provided to help you make effective use of WolfWare this semester.
![Decorative image of a metal wolf statue amounts autumn trees on NC State's campus.](https://news.delta.ncsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2024/07/fall2021-0941.FEAT_.jpg)
Important Dates
- August 6: UDL Institute [Online]
- August 9: Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) [In-Person]
- August 13 and 14: Teaching with Technology Boot Camp
- August 19: First day of fall classes
New WolfWare Tools
Several new tools are available to you! Explore the resources below and reach out to DELTA’s LearnTech Help Desk with any questions (learntech@ncsu.edu). We are here to help.
- VoiceThread: An interactive multimedia tool useful for interactive lecture recordings, student presentations, and class discussions.
- PeerWork: An assignment activity to allow group members to evaluate the contributions of their peers
- GradeMe: Add this block to Moodle to quickly access assignments that have been submitted but not graded.
WolfWare Resources
Here is a curated collection of articles to get you up and running with WolfWare.
- Learn more about our upgrade to Moodle 4.3
- Requesting a WolfWare Space and Activating Tools
- Combining Multiple Class Rosters Into a Single Shared WolfWare Space
- If you are teaching multiple sections of a course and would like to have all of your students participate in a single WolfWare space please read this KBA before you request your spaces to streamline the process.
- Creating a Moodle Space for a Class.
- If you are creating your course from scratch, consider using the Quick Start Course Shell to begin with a structured course layout that uses consistent elements to help students navigate your course.
- Adding or Removing People in a Moodle Course
- You may need to add a TA or support staff to your course and this article will lead you through the process
- Making a Moodle Course Available to Students.
- Courses open automatically to students on the first official day of classes. Instructors can change the date to open their courses sooner or later.
- Locating Moodle Courses in a New Academic Year
- If students can’t find your Moodle course once the semester starts and they are already registered for the class, the most likely cause of the problem is that they bookmarked last year’s Moodle. Send them the link to this KBA to get them pointed in the right direction.
Additional Resources
On-Demand Resources: DELTA maintains an award winning searchable knowledge base of articles on WolfWare and learning technologies. Our YouTube channel is also an excellent 24/7 resource. Be sure to subscribe for updates since new content is regularly added to the channel.
WolfWare Training: DELTA hosts workshops for instructors, including training on using WolfWare tools. Check out our schedule and secure your spot as classes can fill up quickly. You can also review our inventory of recorded workshops. Workshops will be offered on a consistent schedule in September and October: Tuesdays at 3:00, Wednesdays at 12:30, Fridays at 9:30 and 11! Check out the Google Calendar and find a workshop that works for you!
Feature Requests and General Feedback: We welcome your input to make our WolfWare technologies as useful as possible to your teaching. To provide feedback and to submit (or view) feature requests, go to wolfware.ncsu.edu and select “Send Feedback” at the bottom of the page.Thank you for your interest! Please contact DELTA’s LearnTech Help Desk by emailing learntech@ncsu.edu if you need assistance.
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