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Decorative: NC State DELTA, with learning technology vendor logos.

May 28, 2024

Revitalize Your Course with Summer Digital Tools Training

Want to master tips and tricks and best practices for using NC State’s instructional tools this summer? Many of the vendors are offering in-person and online workshops over the summer that can help you to use these platforms more effectively. 

Multimedia Specialist Téa Blumer stands on a golf course and positions a Matterport camera to capture spatial scans

Dec 20, 2023

Pest Management Through an Environmental Lens

AGI Coordinator and Director of Undergraduate Programs Terri Billeisen worked with a DELTA Grant to increase student engagement. The team used 3D scanning to simulate the pesticide application and decision-making process for ENT 121. Read more about the team’s work! 

headshot photo of DELTA Faculty Fellow Miriam Ferzli

Apr 24, 2023

Meet DELTA Faculty Fellow Miriam Ferzli

Meet Teaching Professor and DELTA Faculty Fellow Miriam Ferzli, who provides opportunities for students to develop a sense of ownership regarding their education. She wants students to learn how to ask questions, seek answers, solve problems and work within the learning community. 


Jan 2, 2022

WolfWare News: Spring 2022

Check out our latest WolfWare News to learn more about the recent updates to our learning technologies to help you make the most effective use of WolfWare tools in your courses. 

Dec 23, 2021

A Look Behind the Scenes of Academic Technologies

Have you ever thought about how much work goes on behind the scenes to keep all of NC State’s enterprise learning technologies running? In this story, we’ll look at how DELTA teams make upgrades to technologies and tools such as WolfWare, Moodle and Panopto with minimal downtime for campus users — thanks to regular maintenance and a rigorous testing process. 

Jul 28, 2021

Preparation is the Key to a Successful Semester

As you prepare for the start of the fall 2021 semester, DELTA's Interim Vice Provost Donna Petherbridge invites faculty, staff and students to reflect on the past year and think about what you wish to keep and let go as you step back into the classroom, whether face-to-face or online. 

Cropped shot of hands using a smartphone

Aug 14, 2020

Elaine Bohórquez Named as a Finalist for Top Hat’s Most Innovative Educator

In March 2020, Elaine Bohórquez was chosen as a finalist for Top Hat's Most Innovative Educator Award. Top Hat is NC State's enterprise-level student engagement tool. We caught up with Bohórquez to discuss her path to the nomination.  

Young woman sitting on a brick ledge with a laptop in front of large windows and greenery.

Apr 22, 2020

Tips for Engaging Your Students from DELTA Instructional Designers

As NC State instructors dive into remote instruction, it may feel harder to connect with your students than it did in person. DELTA's skilled instructional designers are sharing their favorite tools and techniques to promote student engagement and meaningful interactions in online courses. 

Instructor types on a laptop with a notebook pictured beside her on the table.

Mar 11, 2020

Tips from Faculty for Quickly Preparing to Teach Online

Check out this article for firsthand tips from faculty on how to quickly prepare to teach online. They have provided insight on teaching in Zoom, adding existing content online, using available learning technologies to communicate with students, making videos of labs, and more. 

Feb 25, 2020

Online, 30-Minute Teaching with Tech Workshops

Join us for 30-minute, online workshops about teaching with technology tools and best practices such as tips for online grading and new features of Top Hat. All workshops are held in Zoom at noon.