WolfWare News: Spring 2022

Here’s your latest WolfWare News, provided to help you make effective use of WolfWare for your spring courses.
Just-In-Time Support
Join us on January 5th at the Center for Technology and Innovation for hands-on training and an Open Lab for personalized support. The same workshops repeat on January 6th online in Zoom. View our workshop schedule (use “View by Calendar”) to register and secure your spot.
WolfWare Updates
- Panopto: Recorders are now available in nearly all 110 Classrooms. Instructors teaching in these rooms can use the new Classroom Capture Change Request Form to request livestreams (i.e. webcasts) or to opt-out of scheduled classroom recordings.
- Top Hat: Over the past few months, new features and feature improvements have rolled out which you can read about in the Fall 2021 Upcoming Release Notes.
Critical Dates
- Moodle courses are set to open automatically to students on January 10th, the first official day of classes. You can change the date manually if you wish.
- Spring 2022 is the final semester for Mediasite. All links to Mediasite videos must be updated to point to Panopto by the end of May. If you are using the WolfWare Course Copier to copy your Moodle course from a previous semester, the Course Copier will automatically convert most Mediasite links to Panopto links. Please read the Course Copier email to determine what steps you need to take to make these presentations viewable by your students.
Getting Started with WolfWare
Here is a curated collection of articles to get you up and running with WolfWare this semester.
- Requesting a WolfWare space and activating tools.
- Creating a Moodle space for a class.
- If you are creating your course from scratch, consider using the Quick Start Course Shell to begin with a structured course layout that uses consistent elements to help students navigate the course.
- Adding your TA or other support staff to your Moodle courses.
- Making a Moodle course available to students.
Courses open automatically to students on the first official day of classes. but you can change the date manually to let your students get a head start, if you wish.
WolfWare Resources
On-Demand Resources: DELTA maintains a searchable knowledge base of articles on WolfWare and learning technologies. Our YouTube channel is also an excellent 24/7 resource. Be sure to subscribe for updates since new content is regularly added to the channel.
WolfWare Training: DELTA hosts workshops for instructors, including training on using WolfWare tools. Check out our schedule and secure your spot as classes can fill up quickly. You can also review our inventory of recorded workshops.
WolfWare Roadmap: Are you interested in what we are working on and have planned for the future? Take a look at the WolfWare Roadmap to get an idea of what has been done and what is planned for WolfWare. Future items are all subject to change, contact wolfware_governance@ncsu.edu if specifics are needed.
Feature Requests and General Feedback: We welcome your input to make our WolfWare technologies as useful as possible to your teaching. To provide feedback and to submit (or view) feature requests, go to wolfware.ncsu.edu and select “Send Feedback” at the bottom of the page.
Thank you for your interest! Please contact DELTA’s LearnTech Help Desk by emailing learntech@ncsu.edu if you need assistance. We are experiencing high demand but will do our very best to get back to you as quickly as possible.