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Academic Technology

Holiday Celebration and Networking Session

December 13: Instructional Design Interest Group (IDIG) Meeting

Instructors talking

Join your IDIG colleagues for a holiday celebration and Networking meeting on Wednesday, December 13 from 3:30 – 4:30 at Center for Technology Innovation (CTI).

We have interactive ice-breaker activities planned to help us get to know each other while enjoying holiday treats. If you have an idea for an activity, please share it with us — we would love to add it to our agenda.

So that we can better prepare, please fill out the following RSVP and Social Game Questionaire. You will provide three facts about yourself: Two professional and one fun/personal. We will use these for a get-to-know-you game while we eat and socialize. We can’t wait to see you!

To join IDIG and receive an invite to the session as well as other relevant communication, please follow the directions on our IDIG webpage.