Reminder: It’s time to switch from Elluminate to Blackboard Collaborate!

If you are using Elluminate Live! for synchronous sessions, it’s time to switch to Blackboard Collaborate. Elluminate Live! will be unavailable for live sessions beginning August 8. Blackboard Collaborate contains all of your favorite functionality, with the added benefits of a streamlined interface and functionality improvements.
DELTA has many resources to help you learn Blackboard Collaborate.
Transitioning to Blackboard Collaborate workshop
August 8, 9 – 11 am
August 14, 9 – 11 am
Fall workshop schedule will be announced mid-August
Register at:
This workshop is intended for existing Elluminate moderators who are transitioning to Blackboard Collaborate. This workshop outlines the important interface changes and guides moderators through the major differences between Elluminate and Blackboard Collaborate to help them transition quickly and effectively.
DELTA Workshop Materials
Find recorded versions of Transitioning to Blackboard Collaborate, Blackboard Collaborate I, II, and IV as well as workshop handouts on our Workshop Materials page.
DELTA QuickTraining Video Tutorials
View short videos that cover the basics of Blackboard Collaborate. We also have links to tutorials created by Blackboard.
Blackboard Collaborate for Moderators Web Page
Our Web page for moderators contains links to important moderator tools, training resources, QuickTraining videos, and support information.
DELTA Instructional House Calls and Custom Training Sessions
If you need a specialized consultation on Blackboard Collaborate, you can request an instructional house call. If your department needs an overview of Blackboard Collaborate, you can request a custom training session for instructors of Registration & Records courses.
Elluminate Live! recordings will remain available on the server until December 18. You will need to download your recordings if:
- You want to keep using your recordings after Elluminate is no longer available (December 18).
- You used Elluminate for for-credit course assessment purposes.
You can download Elluminate Live! recordings using Elluminate Publish! For more information, see our Elluminate Publish! webpage or view our Elluminate Publish! DELTAwire article.
Questions? Please contact LearnTech at or (919) 513-7094.
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