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tips and tricks

A butterfly works its way around to different flower buds during springtime on Centennial campus.

Jun 24, 2024

A Universal Design for Learning Approach to Supporting Neurodiverse Students

More than 1,100 NC State students identified as neurodivergent during the spring 2024 semester. DELTA can help you to connect with all students by offering guidance and best practices for student success. You can learn more about how to support your students with tips on planning, prioritizing, organizing and helping students to stay focused. 


Nov 22, 2023

End of Semester Tips and Tricks

Do you need guidance with winding down your course? Megan Lupek offers advice on reflection and getting a jumpstart on preparing for the spring semester. She also provides instructional tool advice including some innovative suggestions. 

May 23, 2023

Teaching Tech Tip: Getting Organized with the Moodle Checklist

Do you want to foster student success by reducing stress and making course content more manageable? Take a look at this month’s tip on Moodle Checklists. This tool helps break down tasks into smaller ones listed on an interactive checklist. This process also helps you organize and track student engagement. 

May 19, 2023

Accessibility Tip: Grackle Docs

Grackle is an add-on that works within the Google Suite (Docs, Sheets and Slides). It provides an automated accessibility report and guides you through fixing many accessibility errors. Grackle also provides the ability to do things the Google Docs cannot do on its own, like save a Google Doc as a tagged PDF and define… 

Mar 26, 2023

Accessibility Tip: Course File Alternative Formats

NEW! Easily Access Alternative Formats for Course Files To help ensure equal access to files for all members of our diverse student population, NC State has acquired a license to SensusAccess, a “one-stop self-service, alternate media and document remediation service for educational institutions.” With this tool, students, faculty and staff can convert documents to a range… 

Decorative image of an animated lightbulb plugging itself into an electrical outlet.

Dec 15, 2022

Capture the Energy: 5 Tips for the Beginning of the Semester

Instructional Technologist Kerri Brown Parker is an educator with over 20 years of experience. She understands the importance of your first impression at the beginning of each semester and shares practical tips to help you start strong. She also highlights tools you can use to bring these tips to life in your classroom or on your website! 

Dec 15, 2022

Teaching Tech Tips: Use Moodle Gradebook Categories

DELTA Instructional Technologist Kerri Brown Parker shares Teaching Tech Tips each month to help streamline your tech skills. 

Oct 25, 2022

Accessibility Tip: Captioning Basics

Most online courses include a variety of media for instruction and assessment, including videos, lectures, or podcasts. Providing captions for these types of media is an important step to ensure all students can access and learn from them equally. In fact, captions are a legal requirement under Section 508 and the ADA for all audio… 

Feb 4, 2021

Best Practices for Managing Online Office Hours

How can instructors provide the best support to students who are learning online? Here are some ways to provide synchronous and asynchronous help that will benefit individual students and your entire class from DELTA Faculty Fellow Lina Battestilli. 

Teaching assistant holds a conversation via video conference.

Feb 4, 2021

Tips for Working with a Teaching Assistant in an Online Course

Are you searching for ways to effectively use a teaching assistant (TA) in an online course? DELTA Faculty Fellow Julianne Treme is sharing her favorite tips to help your TA engage with your students and your course content online.