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Nov 10, 2020

DELTA Grants Inspire Recipients to Improve Learning Experiences for Students

Two DELTA Grants recipients share their experiences with DELTA Grants, the work they have completed since receiving their awards and the ways their projects have helped them respond to COVID-19. 

Nov 5, 2020

Prep for Panopto: New Video Management System Coming May 2021

Panopto will replace Mediasite as NC State's enterprise video management system in May 2021. The leading video platform for higher education, Panopto provides a number of exciting features to meet the needs of NC State students, faculty and staff. 

Oct 28, 2020

Inside DELTA: 5 Questions with Michael Castro

A new Inside DELTA highlighting the life of DELTA staff in their day-to-day work routines and life outside of work. Michael Castro is a technology support technician with a passion for video production and film equipment. 

Bethanne Tobey portrait outside on Centennial Campus.

Oct 27, 2020

Bethanne Tobey Earns Quality Matters Award

Assistant Director of Course Quality Bethanne Tobey earned the Quality Matters Making a Difference for Students: Outstanding Impact by an Individual in Higher Education Award for her significant contributions to students’ success and experience. 

Several screen grabs of the virtual meeting with read transparent overlay. Actors sit around a conference table to simulate the meeting. Text: Inside an IEP: A Team-Based Approach to Effective IEP Meetings.

Oct 21, 2020

Inside an IEP: Immersive Meetings to Prepare Future Teachers

Assistant Professor Jamie Pearson and a team at DELTA are leveraging virtual reality and PlayPosit to create virtual meetings that will better prepare future teachers to support students with disabilities and positively impact the educational experience. 

Oct 6, 2020

DELTA Annual Report Released: Changing Education for 20 Years

The 2019-2020 DELTA Annual Report is now available online! Take a look at how we helped student success by assisting faculty pivot to emergency remote instruction and ensuring our learning technologies had the infrastructure to support increased usage. 

Portrait of David Howard against a white background. He is pictured wearing an NC State shirt and a brown hat.

Oct 2, 2020

David Howard Receives University Award for Excellence

Director of Instructional Innovation Services David Howard has been honored with an NC State University Award for Excellence, the most prestigious award bestowed upon non-faculty employees. 

DELTA Grants logo - red background with white text and lightbulb icon.

Sep 17, 2020

A New Strategy for DELTA Grants Outreach

In fiscal year 2019-2020, Senior Instructional Designer Cathi Dunnagan launched a targeted outreach strategy to share information about DELTA Grants across NC State. 

circuit drawn on whiteboard

Sep 14, 2020

Adapting to Change: DELTA Project Managers Redefine Agility at NC State

DELTA's Project Management team has spent years cultivating Agile, an approach to project management that prioritizes adaptability and team processes. Now, in the face of a pandemic, they are using this mindset to pivot and enhance collaborative practices at DELTA and across the university. 

Jill Anderson smiles in front of mountains.

Sep 3, 2020

Inside DELTA: 5 Questions with Jill Anderson

A new Inside DELTA highlighting the life of DELTA staff in their day-to-day work routines and life outside of work. Jill Anderson is an instructional technologist with a background in advising students and a love for the outdoors.