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Mar 29, 2022

Moodle 4: New Look and Feel

Moodle 4 enhances the user experience by simplifying workflow. The look is more streamlined and user friendly, even on mobile devices. 

Mar 15, 2022

Utilizing Activity Completion and Restrict Access in Moodle

When designing a course site for students, whether online or in-person, have you ever wondered what resources on Moodle your students were utilizing? Faculty Fellow Bevin Maultsby shares her experience. 

wolf statue

Feb 28, 2022

Meet Faculty Fellow Sarah Khan

Associate Teaching Professor Sarah Khan started her online teaching journey well before the onset of the pandemic, which has proven to be a blessing in disguise. Now, as a DELTA Faculty Fellow, Khan aims to share her experiences with those in higher education who could benefit. 

Feb 21, 2022

Building a Path to Moodle 4

DELTA is hard at work preparing a significant upgrade to Moodle, our campus learning management system. We are upgrading to Moodle 4 for the fall 2022 semester and enabling requests for fall Moodle spaces starting May 1.  


Jan 2, 2022

WolfWare News: Spring 2022

Check out our latest WolfWare News to learn more about the recent updates to our learning technologies to help you make the most effective use of WolfWare tools in your courses. 

Dec 23, 2021

A Look Behind the Scenes of Academic Technologies

Have you ever thought about how much work goes on behind the scenes to keep all of NC State’s enterprise learning technologies running? In this story, we’ll look at how DELTA teams make upgrades to technologies and tools such as WolfWare, Moodle and Panopto with minimal downtime for campus users — thanks to regular maintenance and a rigorous testing process. 

Wicked Problems, Wolfpack Solutions graphic created by Lead Multimedia Designer Rich Gurnsey.

Nov 30, 2021

Incoming Students Have an Opportunity to Think and Do During Winter Break

NC State’s free two credit-hour course, Wicked Problems Wolfpack Solutions, is being offered over winter break from December 13, 2021 to January 7, 2022! Incoming first year and transfer students will have the opportunity to learn from a variety of NC State faculty from an array of disciplines about the implications of global climate change. 

Oct 29, 2021

Faculty Fellows Series: Perspectives from a HyFlex Classroom

In this story series, DELTA Faculty Fellows will explore the ways that they have implemented HyFlex this semester across a variety of subjects. The first installment is written by Sarah Khan, a Teaching Associate Professor in the Poole College of Management. 

Sep 28, 2021

Summer Shorts Supports Faculty Exploring Instructional Technologies

The 2021 DELTA Summer Shorts brought local instructors together to share best practices for teaching with technology. Participating in online and in-person workshops, faculty were able to learn tips and tricks for teaching in-person, online, and hybrid courses, especially during a pandemic. 

An eastern tent caterpillar with long hairs and a bright orange and black body.

Sep 20, 2021

A Metamorphosis: DELTA Grant Transforms ENT 410

Through an extensive DELTA Grant, Extension Associate Terri Billeisen teamed up with DELTA experts to bring innovative learning technologies to ENT 410: Turfgrass and Ornamental Insect Pest Management, a new course launching in 2022, to help students connect with course material.