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Decorative DELTA Express Grants Banner

Sep 28, 2023

DELTA Express Grants Fall 2023 Recipients

DELTA has awarded a total of sixteen Express Grants stretching across seven colleges. DELTA Express Grants are targeted toward specific course improvements throughout the semester. 

DELTA Faculty Fellows Wendy Krause, Kyle Bunds, Miriam Ferzli, Anna Gibson and Sarah Egan Warren.

Aug 16, 2023

New DELTA Faculty Fellows

DELTA welcomes three new and four continuing Faculty Fellows to promote excellence in teaching with technology. DELTA looks forward to collaborating with the grant recipients to help them share their knowledge of learning technologies with the NC State community. 

close up image of dung beetle

Aug 16, 2023

Express Grants Tackle 3D Scanning Technology

Two DELTA Express Grants for courses in the NC State Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology sought to expand content capture services and leverage the use of 3D objects in the classroom. Hear about the outcomes of these grants from our DELTA specialists! 

Decorative image - wolves making leaf angels, NC State DELTA, Fall Workshops,

Jul 24, 2023

DELTA Fall Workshops: Moodle Boot Camps and More!

Maximize the power of NC State’s instructional tools this fall with help from DELTA workshops! Registration is now open in REPORTER and your favorite topics are represented along with timely new ones like Chat GPT and Generative AI. 

Jul 24, 2023

DELTA Offers Express Grants for Fall 2023

DELTA Express Grants are back! This fall, we are excited to offer four types of grants — Course Accessibility, Course Mapping, Instructional Tools and Virtual Tours. Proposal submissions accepted between Aug. 21 and Sept. 15, 2023. 

Jul 21, 2023

Start Fall with an Updated Syllabus!

Learn about the updated and refreshed syllabus template available to copy and build your fall syllabi. This new tool adheres to the NC State course syllabus regulation which makes it easier for you to be in compliance.