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DELTA Grants

Several screen grabs of the virtual meeting with read transparent overlay. Actors sit around a conference table to simulate the meeting. Text: Inside an IEP: A Team-Based Approach to Effective IEP Meetings.

Oct 21, 2020

Inside an IEP: Immersive Meetings to Prepare Future Teachers

Assistant Professor Jamie Pearson and a team at DELTA are leveraging virtual reality and PlayPosit to create virtual meetings that will better prepare future teachers to support students with disabilities and positively impact the educational experience. 

DELTA Grants logo - red background with white text and lightbulb icon.

Sep 17, 2020

A New Strategy for DELTA Grants Outreach

In fiscal year 2019-2020, Senior Instructional Designer Cathi Dunnagan launched a targeted outreach strategy to share information about DELTA Grants across NC State. 

Sep 8, 2020

Batting 1000: Feed Milling Awarded Third DELTA Grant

It’s grants, not baseball, but the NC State Feed Mill Education Unit’s power hitters, Associate Professor Adam Fahrenholz and Area Specialized Agent Marissa Herchler, are batting a thousand. Since 2018, Fahrenholz and Herchler have applied to the DELTA Grants program three times. Every time, their application was accepted. In a year filled with challenges, the new grant was some of the best news they’d had in a while. 

Belltower framed by white blooms on a tree in spring.

Aug 25, 2020

DELTA Welcomes 2020-2021 Faculty Fellows

DELTA is excited to welcome five new Faculty Fellows for the 2020-2021 cycle. Michelle Bartlett, Lina Battestilli, Elaine Bohorquez, Christine Cranford and Julianne Treme will partner with DELTA to share teaching with technology best practices through a variety of activities. The five new Fellows will join Annette Moore who is continuing her grant from the 2019-2020 academic year. 

Aug 25, 2020

DELTA Grants Recipients for 2020-2021 Announced

DELTA announces more than $250,000 in new and continuing DELTA Grants to 29 recipients. We look forward to collaborating with our faculty and campus partners to promote a technology-rich learning environment at NC State. 

3D printed biomolecules.

Jul 13, 2020

From DELTA Grants to the National Science Foundation: STEM BUILD Continues to Grow

Previous DELTA Grant recipients Melissa Ramirez and Claire Gordy have received funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to continue the development of STEM BUILD, a project to enhance Universal Design for Learning and improve learning outcomes in STEM courses for all students. 

Ethiopian woman in a bright patterned dress feeds a cow long grass.

Jun 29, 2020

Tackling Global Health with Virtual Reality

A DELTA Grant project developed in collaboration with Assistant Professor Andy Stringer and the College of Veterinary Medicine will allow veterinary students to explore global health challenges, diverse farming practices and cultural contexts in virtual reality. 

James McConnell sits at a large desk talking with a group of faculty members.

Apr 20, 2020

DELTA Faculty Fellows Support NC State Peers in Academic Continuity

Several former and current DELTA Faculty Fellows are sharing their expertise in teaching with technology to help NC State instructors make the switch to remote teaching and achieve academic continuity. 

Mar 30, 2020

DELTA Grants Proposal Submissions Open Now

It’s time to set your DELTA Grants project proposals into motion! The DELTA Grants submission system is open now through May 15. Apply now! 

Mar 2, 2020

DELTA Grants Enhance Student Learning Through Visual Media

Register now for a DELTA Grants informational session or group consultation! See how our team of expert designers can bring your idea to life through animation, illustration, motion graphics and much more.