DELTA Fall Workshops: Use Your Noodle to Navigate Moodle and More

Software updates are great — once you learn how to use them that is! Whether you are a new Moodle user or an experienced pro, DELTA has you covered with many workshop options designed to help you organize your course content for the fall semester.
While the Moodle upgrade presents a new face as you access your WolfWare courses this fall, the functionality you love is still there with many enhancements. For example, a more informative student calendar is available with due dates which are automatically displayed as instructors create assignments and quizzes. DELTA Faculty Fellows were early adopters of the new version of Moodle and shared their experiences in a recent DELTA News article.
In addition to our Moodle offerings, we continue to provide workshops in-person and online to foster mastery of NC State’s academic learning technologies such as Gradescope, Panopto, PlayPosit, Top Hat, WolfWareWordPress and more!
Need help connecting with remote-learning students? We have you covered with workshop options such as Humanizing Your Online Course. And, that is just one example of the many workshops DELTA offers going above and beyond learning best practices for academic technology use.
Workshops offered by DELTA are free and available to faculty, staff and graduate teaching assistants. Most are presented in a combination of in-person and virtual formats for your convenience.
Looking for More Information About the New Version of Moodle? Check out these articles published by DELTA News during the spring 2022 semester:
- Recipes for Student Success Using New Moodle Features
- Outreach and Project Servers Get a Moodle Upgrade
- Early Adopters of Moodle 4 Share Experiences
- Building a Path to Moodle 4: Preparing Your Course for the Move
- Moodle 4: New Look and Feel
- Utilizing Activity Completion and Restrict Access in Moodle
- Building a Path to Moodle 4
Register Now
Visit for a list of current offerings and to register. You can browse all workshop opportunities in REPORTER by list or calendar view.
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If you have questions or need assistance registering, please contact the DELTA LearnTech help desk at or 919.513.7094.