WolfWare: New Features, Tools and More

Here is the latest WolfWare News, compiled to help you make effective use of WolfWare for your fall courses.
New Features and Tools
Here are a few notable upgrades to WolfWare since spring 2021 that may be of interest to you!
- Moodle has been upgraded to version 3.9. Get full details on the new functions and features.
- Panopto has replaced Mediasite for video capture and management. Discover how Panopto can help you reach your goals. (Mediasite content already recorded will continue to be available until May 2022. We are migrating it to Panopto for you, expect to get an email soon when your Mediasite content is available in Panopto.)
- Need help grading more effectively, consistently and efficiently? Gradescope might be the solution and it is available to all instructors. Read an overview about this helpful tool.
Getting Started with WolfWare
Here is a collection of support articles to get you up and running with WolfWare this semester.
- Requesting a WolfWare space and activating tools.
- Creating a Moodle space for a class.
- If you are creating your course from scratch, consider using the Quick Start Course Shell to begin with a structured course layout that uses consistent elements to help students navigate the course.
- Adding your TA or other support staff to your Moodle courses.
- Making a Moodle course available to students.
- Courses open automatically to students on the first official day of classes. but you can change the date manually to let your students get a head start, if you wish.
Important Resources
WolfWare Roadmap: Are you interested in what we are working on and have planned for the future? Take a look at the WolfWare Roadmap to get an idea of what has been done and what is planned for WolfWare. Future items are all subject to change, contact wolfware_governance@ncsu.edu if specifics are needed.
Feature Requests and General Feedback: We welcome your input to make our WolfWare technologies as useful as possible to your teaching. To provide feedback and to submit (or view) feature requests, go to wolfware.ncsu.edu and select “Send Feedback” at the bottom of the page.
Thank you for your interest! Please don’t hesitate to contact DELTA’s LearnTech help desk at 919.513.7094, or email learntech@ncsu.edu if you need assistance.