WolfWare News, 8/15/2016

Here is the latest WolfWare News to help you make the most effective use of WolfWare.
New and Noteworthy
Upgrade to Moodle 3.0: In March 2016, DELTA performed the annual upgrade of Moodle to version 3.0 for the 2016-17 academic year. View this Moodle 3.0 Release Highlights video for a quick overview of new features.
Please be aware that the four new interactive question types are not accessible because they rely upon the use of a pointing device and possibly the visual recognition of a spatial relationship. If you use these questions for assessments, be prepared to provide accommodations for students who use alternative input methods.
WolfWare Features: There are three changes in WolfWare that you should be aware of:
- You can set up your profile in WolfWare. Your profile information is displayed on all of our Moodle servers; it’s a great way to include a picture and a little information about yourself.
- We’ve changed how you manage users and rosters in your course space. You may add a teaching assistant, instructional designer or student to your course by following these steps: http://delta.ncsu.edu/knowledgebase/how-do-i-add-or-remove-people-in-my-moodle-course/.
- There is a new top navigation bar to allow you to quickly get the help and tools you need.
Faculty Workshops: Starting this month, DELTA is offering several new workshops on WolfWare technologies in addition to other teaching with technology topics.
Topics include:
- An Overview of Learning Technologies at NC State
- Moodle Essentials: Tips, Tools and Interacting with Your Students
- Moodle Gradebook Open Lab: Setting Up an Effective Grading Scheme for the Semester
- Collaborate I: Essentials and Featured Tools
- Using My Mediasite to Create Desktop Recordings
To see the full schedule and register for sessions, please visit https://delta.ncsu.edu/workshops.
Tips and Reminders
Requesting a Moodle Course Space: You may request a Moodle Course space for your Fall 2016 course by following these directions: http://delta.ncsu.edu/knowledgebase/how-do-i-create-a-moodle-space-for-a-class/. Please review the directions carefully as there are many important options to help you set up your Moodle Course space.
WolfWare Classic End of Service: We are retiring our homegrown learning management system, WolfWare Classic, in the summer of 2018. We are currently working on tools and services that will provide faculty with similar functionality. We will be providing details to the campus late 2016 about the timeline and support options to assist with the transition to Moodle and other technologies. If you are developing a new course, we hope you’ll consider developing it in Moodle. Please see the training link above for appropriate sessions to get up to speed.
Important Resources
LMS Maintenance Windows: We reserve blocks of time to take WolfWare components offline for upgrades and maintenance. View the maintenance schedule to stay up-to-date with WolfWare availability. We will also post a notification reminder about maintenance windows on the WolfWare page approximately one week before it happens.
Feature Requests and General Feedback: We welcome your input to make our WolfWare technologies as useful as possible to your teaching. To provide feedback and to submit (or view) feature requests, go to wolfware.ncsu.edu and select “Send Feedback” at the bottom of the page.
DELTA News: Check the WolfWare News section of DELTA News for the latest LMS news.
Thank you for your interest! Please don’t hesitate to call DELTA’s LearnTech help desk at (919) 513-7094, or email learntech@ncsu.edu if you need assistance.