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faculty fellows

Image of DELTA 2018-2019 DELTA Faculty Fellows in the CTI lobby. Standing left to right: James McConnell, Melissa Ramirez, Stacy Supak, and Justin Post.

Sep 25, 2018

DELTA Welcomes New Class of Faculty Fellows

DELTA is excited to welcome four new Faculty Fellows for the 2018-2019 cycle. James McConnell, Justin Post, Melissa Ramirez and Stacy Supak will partner with DELTA to share teaching with technology best practices through a variety of activities. The four new Fellows will join Angie Smith who is continuing her grant through summer 2019. 

Michael Kanters and Amanda Edwards with recognition awards for service as 2016-2018 DELTA Faculty Fellows with 2017-2019 Faculty Fellow Angie Smith

Aug 21, 2018

Faculty Fellows Recognized at Summer Shorts

Amanda Edwards and Michael Kanters were honored with certificates of appreciation at Summer Shorts, marking the completion of their outstanding service as Faculty Fellows from 2016-2018. Our dedicated group of Faculty Fellows are passionate about educational technology and sharing their experiences with others. 

Aug 21, 2018

DELTA Announces 2018-2019 Grant Recipients

DELTA awarded more than $240,000 in new and continuing DELTA Grants to 29 recipients across the university including eight academic colleges and the Division of Academic and Student Affairs. DELTA Grants apply innovative pedagogy, instructional technology and course design to solve instructional challenges. 

Angie Smith facilitates a yarn toss activity during her session at the 2017 Summer Shorts program. The group is passing around a ball of yarn.

Aug 1, 2018

Navigating Online Teaching: Perspective from a Faculty Fellow

Teaching Associate Professor Angie Smith began her online teaching journey eight years ago in the Counselor Education program. Read about her new book, collaborations and hopes of helping new instructors navigate online teaching. 

Photo of Kim Allen, Ed Lindsay, Maria Gallardo-Williams.

Apr 2, 2018

Facilitate Faculty Learning as a DELTA Faculty Fellow

DELTA is currently seeking faculty members who have a passion for sharing their expertise in teaching and learning with technology. If you’re interested in joining a group of exemplary faculty, apply now for DELTA’s Faculty Fellows grant. 

Behind the scenes of the production of Organic Chemistry VR labs.

Mar 20, 2018

DELTA Grants Help Faculty Transform Outcomes

Are you a faculty member who has a great idea to engage your students, but lack assistance to get it done? Or are you seeking funding to develop or improve a course with the latest technologies or research-based best practices? Here are five quick facts about NC State DELTA Grants. 

Photo of Angie Smith.

Oct 18, 2017

Meet Our Faculty Fellow Angie Smith

Teaching Associate Professor Angie Smith has taught online since completing her Ph.D. in Counselor Education in the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy and Human Development in NC State’s College of Education. 

Photo of Kim Allen, Edwin Lindsay and Maria Gallardo-Williams with their certificates of appreciation.

Aug 16, 2017

DELTA’s Faculty Fellows Recognized at Summer Shorts

Kim Allen, Ed Lindsay and Maria Gallardo-Williams were honored with certificates of appreciation at Summer Shorts, marking the completion of their outstanding service as Faculty Fellows. This group of dedicated faculty members is passionate about the future of educational technology. 

Jul 20, 2017

Digitally Speaking: Using Recording Tools in Assignments and Feedback

Tips from DELTA Faculty Fellow Carolyn Quarterman about digital recording tools she has found successful to give video and audio feedback to students. Many are available on campus and are free of charge. 

Jun 1, 2017

Meet DELTA Faculty Fellow Michael Kanters

We will be featuring our second cohort group of DELTA Faculty Fellows in articles during the next few months. Meet Dr. Micahel Kanters, professor and coordinator of the Masters of Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Sport Management in the College of Natural Resources.