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Students experience and use the Talley Student Union on main campus. Photo by Marc Hall

Jul 23, 2024

Course Accessibility Express Grants Remove Barriers to Student Success

GThe inaugural year of DELTA’s Course Accessibility Express Grant produced many successful projects. You can read more about how strategies were used to remove or significantly reduce barriers to access in online courses for NC State students. 

Jun 5, 2024

Caitlin McKeown Recognized With Provost’s Award For Accessibility Efforts

The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost honored Lead Instructional Designer for Digital Learning Caitlin McKeown with a 2024 Provost’s Unit Award for Excellence at a ceremony held in March at the James B. Hunt Jr. Library. McKeown was one of five staff members from across the university recognized with the award.  McKeown… 

Student shows his diverse color selection before adding his hand print to the Free Expression Tunnel during Respect The Pack.

Aug 21, 2023

Color Contrast Tools

Color contrast is an important aspect of accessible design, particularly for text and other important data. Color contrast means the difference in brightness between two colors, in this case the text and the background. Contrast is described using a ratio, ranging from 1:1 (white on white) to 21:1 (black on white). For accessibility purposes, 4.5:1… 

Jul 18, 2023

Accessibility Tip: Brickfield

Did you know you have access to a toolkit in Moodle that can future-proof your course content for accessibility issues? It is called Brickfield and it helps remediate content along with sending you a notification if one of your students requires accommodations. 

Jun 21, 2023

Accessibility Tip: WAVE Tool

Wish you had an automated tool to find accessibility and WCAG errors in your course content? The WAVE tool by WebAIM can help and is available at NC State. It offers a faster and easier way to find and correct errors allowing all students to access materials. 

May 23, 2023

Summer: Relax, Rejuvenate then Reorganize with WolfSNAPS

Invest 30 minutes to learn an online course design foundational concept! DELTA staff created several short, self-paced, fully asynchronous training sessions called WolfSNAPS for all skill levels. Each session is an actionable introduction created to be quick and flexible. 

Copper wolves at Wolf Plaza near the Free Expression tunnel. Photo by Becky Kirkland.

May 23, 2023

Self-Paced Learning Online this Summer!

Learn with YouTube and PlayPosit this summer and maybe even earn a tech tool exploration badge from DELTA! 

Apr 19, 2023

Brickfield: A New Moodle Accessibility Toolkit

Want to provide class material to accommodate the needs of all students? Accessibility issues can be identified and fixed on your Moodle site with Brickfield Accessibility+ Toolkit. Be proactive by future-proofing your course content to address areas needing adjustment to meet accessibility guidelines. 

Mar 26, 2023

Accessibility Tip: Course File Alternative Formats

NEW! Easily Access Alternative Formats for Course Files To help ensure equal access to files for all members of our diverse student population, NC State has acquired a license to SensusAccess, a “one-stop self-service, alternate media and document remediation service for educational institutions.” With this tool, students, faculty and staff can convert documents to a range… 

Feb 24, 2023

Accessibility Tip: Formatting Headings

Headings provide information about the organizational structure for screen readers and sighted users alike. Sighted users and screen readers both skim through a document looking for the relevant sections and properly formatted headings are what makes this possible. Making text bolder and larger is not the same thing as creating headers. Use the built-in headers,…