Lodge MCammon leads students in a classroom setting at the Hunt Library. Photo by Marc Hall
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) encompasses guidelines that help ensure we design learning experiences that will be impactful for as many people as possible. One advantage of using a UDL approach in your course is that it can help students get engaged and stay motivated. Here are some key tips from this guideline:
Offer students choice when the stated learning objective will allow it. You might let students choose which topic to focus on, which case study to work through, which book to read, whether they write a paper or deliver a presentation, and more.
Intentionally strive to foster a classroom community where all students feel welcomed. Let students get to know each other and work together. Include a variety of perspectives on course topics. Model authenticity so students feel comfortable being themselves.
Help students sustain effort by normalizing struggle as part of the journey toward mastery, helping them articulate their goals, and discussing how their hard work now will help with achievement of future goals.