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What’s New in the DELTA Knowledge Base?

NC State's Talley Student Union is framed by summer flowers. Photo by Marc Hall
Photo by Marc Hall

The DELTA Knowledge Base is a great resource for instant support to help answer many WolfWare, Moodle or general instructional technology questions you may have and is constantly being updated! Just navigate to our DELTA Knowledge Base homepage, and in the search bar provided, type in the specific tool or problem you might need help with to see what articles are available to assist in resolving the issue.

LearnTech Team Highlights New and Helpful Articles to Help Organize Your Content

With the introduction of Moodle 4.3 for the 2024-2025 academic year, Moodle now offers the ability to create “Hidden groups” that prevent students from seeing that group in the Moodle course. This can be a very helpful tool when organizing and applying overrides for a collection of students with similar Disability Resource Office (DRO) accommodations or for other general course organization needs.

With the move to Moodle 4.3 the default text editor has switched to TinyMCE.Though the previous default Atto editor will eventually be going away, instructors may choose to continue using that as their default editor within Moodle for the time being. The instructions in our “Changing the Text Editor in Moodle” article walk through the process of updating the user’s preferred default text editor.

Zoom provides a suite of features that utilize large-language models (LLMs) to provide interpretive services for a Zoom meeting, such as capturing highlights of important information discussed during the meeting, or providing “next steps” based on the discussion at the end of a meeting. 

If users accidentally delete specific activities and resources from their course, there is a “Recycle Bin” tool that will allow them to restore that content. It should be noted that student data associated with those activities is not restored so instructors would need to contact LearnTech for further support.

Instructors may want to draft a Moodle Announcement using the Announcements Forum but not have that message posted immediately. There is a feature within the Moodle Announcement Forum post settings that allows instructors to designate a specific date and time for when that content will post to the forum and notify students.

The “Moodle Choice” activity can be used in a course as a low-stakes polling or survey tool for a variety of use cases. Some common uses might be an office hours sign up, attendance recorder, teams or group-work signup, low or no-stakes assessment, among others.  

Unlike other activities in Moodle, the Forum does not allow for the maximum grade field to be adjusted after grades have been entered into the gradebook for a Forum grade item. Though the system will not immediately allow the maximum grade value to be adjusted, there is a workaround that is described in more detail in this article.

The PeerWork activity is a peer-assessment tool that allows students to have their submission assessed by a group of their peers. The activity can be configured to weight only the peer assessment score and ignore a submission provided by the group.

Students can be missing from the grading list for an Assignment, Forum, or other activity, depending on what filters are set in the submissions menu. This can result in all users being filtered out from the grading menu, resulting in an error message: “userisfilteredout”, and “This user does not match filters and table preferences!”. This article walks through how to quickly remove any filtered views that may be causing issues.

For additional assistance with DELTA supported technologies, you can contact the LearnTech Help Desk via email or at (919) 513-7094 or via the Get Help form.