There are some exciting updates and enhancements to Moodle for the 2024-2025 academic year, including the return of indenting, a popular design feature. Keep reading to learn more about what to expect, and join us for workshops demonstrating these new updates on April 30 and May 2 from 12:30-1:00 on Zoom. You can request a WolfWare space and activate Moodle Moodle courses for the 2024 summer and fall 2024 courses on March 14. Moodle projects will update to the latest version in early May.
Design Features

- By popular demand, INDENTING IS BACK! You can now indent Moodle content items and activities. If you copy a course from before Fall 2022 in which you used indentation, the indentation will return. Recommendation: If copying a course with indentation, review the main course page for indentation that may no longer be necessary. You can then change the indentation with the three-dot menu in the resource/activity card.
- Text and media areas (often used as labels) now have a title field that will be visible to students in the course index, enabling students to navigate to these resources from the index. The title will not display on the main course page. If you currently have text and media areas in a course, the title field will populate with the first few words of text in that area. Recommendation: review your course text and media areas and add short, descriptive titles to help students navigate using the course index. If there is an image and no text, the title will become “Text and Media Area” – these should be changed to more descriptive titles.
Streamlined Editing
- Limit your scrolling while editing a course – no more losing your place while searching for the “Add an activity or resource” button at the end of a section. You can now add content from anywhere on the main course page with the new “+ activity/resource chooser button” accessed by hovering between any content items on the main course page.

- Find more settings available directly in the main course view, enabling you to edit with fewer required clicks and more efficiency. For example, (1) update item availability, (2) edit completion settings, and (3) easily manage group settings with expanded menus built into the main course view.

- Bulk editing is now built into Moodle. In edit mode, select the Bulk actions button at the top right of the screen to choose multiple resources or activities to duplicate, move, or delete at once. See it in action here! You can also continue to use the Mass actions block to edit further settings in bulk
Gradebook Navigation and Display
- Streamline your experience using the Grader report and Gradebook setup! You can now collapse columns in the Grader report and categories in Gradebook setup to reduce scrolling when viewing student grades and assignments.
- Quickly view the feedback you’ve provided students by skimming the Grader report for asterisks indicating that you have provided feedback to a student – view the feedback in a pop-up window within the Grader report.
- In the Gradebook setup, use the actions column to hide or lock grades more easily and edit points for manually added grade items.
Watch the video below to see this features in action! We’ll continue sharing Gradebook updates and Moodle tips in next month’s newsletter.
- Categories: