IDIG Online Session
Using Labor Analytics for Recruiting and Curriculum Development on Feb. 14, 2024 from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. - Zoom Link

Join Professor Huiling Ding for an online discussion on how universities are relying on anecdotal and survey data to drive their urgent decisions in a technologically disrupted and quickly evolving labor market and how we can use real-time labor market information analytics to improve recruiting and curriculum development hosted by the Instructional Design Interest Group (IDIG).
Ding will highlight the fact that although time-consuming, such efforts fail to provide rigorous market research insights. As a result, critical programmatic or curricular decisions are often made based on incomplete, low-quality data.
To help address the decision-making analytics problem, Ding will introduce real-time labor market information (RT LMI) analytics as transformative infrastructure to promote program improvement, curriculum updates, professionalization, and student success and to deliver life-changing career education at NC State. She will share the functionalities, data types, and possible programmatic, curricular, and personal applications of RT LMI offered by Lightcast, an AI tool that DELTA has been subscribing to.
In addition, Ding will share her experiences working with four graduate program directors as a Provost Faculty Fellow (2022-2023) to help physics, animal sciences, agricultural engineering, and electric and computer engineering to evaluate their program outcomes, labor market needs, and possible strategies to support student success. The workshop will conclude with a case study of RT LMI for the occupation of instructional designer before presenting tips for future implementation of RT LMI-informed decisions.
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