Inside DELTA: 5 Questions with Annie Chagachbanian

Testing Services Associate Annie Chagachbanian (pronounced Cha-gach-ban-yan) has worked with the DELTA Testing Services team for four and half years. She represents a committed example of the overall goals of the group: to provide quality testing services that ascribe to NC State’s philosophy and policies on academic integrity. Learn more about Chagachbanian, what her role within DELTA requires, and how she enjoys her time outside the office.
What is your background?

After she graduated from college, Chagachbanian moved to Raleigh to look for a job and held a few different roles with NC State University before landing at DELTA.
“I worked as a temporary proctor for DELTA during Fall 2017 final exams. Then I worked as a temporary proctor again for DELTA in 2018 until I got a full-time position at the Disability Resource Office in Fall 2018,” Chagachbanian explained. “I worked there as the assistant coordinator of proctoring until I was hired full time at DELTA in March 2020 (just 2 weeks before the university shut down due to the pandemic). I have been in North Carolina since I graduated college, which we will just say was a while ago!”
How would you describe your role at DELTA?
DELTA Testing Services provides local and off-campus proctoring services for students to take exams in a professional, secure and monitored setting. As a part of the Testing Services team, Chagachbanian’s primary responsibility is to assist students and faculty with administering exams. Additionally, she serves as the liaison with the Disability Resource Office and works with students who receive testing accommodations.
“I check students in daily to take their exams, which entails ensuring that students have all the correct exam materials allowed,” Chagachbanian said. “I also assist any students who have accommodations and verify that those accommodations are met while taking their exams. Because most students are now learning in a digital education environment, I feel my role assists with improving accessibility in this environment.”
What is your favorite experience at DELTA?
Outside of her role as a testing services associate where she helps to provide a safe and quality testing environment for all students, Chagachbanian especially enjoys the camaraderie of her fellow teammates within the Testing Services group.
“One of my favorite experiences is how our team dresses up for Halloween,” Chagachbanian said. “One year we dressed up in themed costumes for the entire week (scary movie, Winnie the Pooh, M&Ms, Shark Week, and Disney), and last year our theme was Wizard of Oz. This year we did Scooby Doo!”
What do you enjoy most about your job?
DELTA Testing Services provides on-campus proctoring services and facilitates remote proctoring for over 10,500 students each semester. Chagachbanian is proud to be a part of that process and enjoys assisting students to make their exam experience as pleasant as possible.
“We started tablet testing over the summer,” Chagachbanian said. “Using the tablets has cut down on paper and made it easier for the instructors to retrieve the exams. The entire process is more streamlined.”
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Outside of work, Chagachbanian likes to spend time at the beach with her husband, Steve, and her two doggie daughters, Harper who is 14 and Brooklyn who is 4, who were rescued from the SPCA of Wake County.

“I also enjoy traveling,” Chagachbanian said. “I’ve traveled to Aremenia with my in-laws to visit their homeland and family. I also enjoy walking the beautiful trails that our city (Holly Springs) has to offer and kayaking at the beach. I really enjoyed volunteering at the SPCA of Wake County in the past but, unfortunately, time doesn’t allow that right now. I took care of all the puppies, which was a dream!”

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