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DELTA Pride of the Wolfpack Recipients

NC State DELTA ball caps on a table

The DELTA Pride of the Wolfpack Award was presented recently by Vice Provost Donna Petherbridge to 12 DELTA staff members. This award recognizes SHRA and EHRA employees for a special or unique contribution to their college, business unit or NC State University. Recipients received a framed certificate and mug courtesy of NC State Bookstores. In addition, their names have been added to an engraved plaque in DELTA’s main office in the Center for Technology and Innovation building. 

Here are DELTA’s 2022-2023 Pride of the Wolfpack Award recipients along with a quote from their nomination. Congratulations to all award recipients, and thank you for all your hard work!

Lead Instructional Technologist Jill Anderson

Jill Anderson, lead instructional technologist with DELTA
“Jill is always willing to take on additional projects and responsibilities to better serve the university and organization. She showed incredible leadership during the Brickfield adoption and roll-out process, taking the lead on coordinating between the accessibility team, the systems support team, and the vendor representatives.”

Classroom Support Technician Alex Bennett

“Alex has taken a leadership role in helping to develop workflows for synchronous and asynchronous teaching and learning. His unwavering commitment to excellence and ability to uphold our high standards in support of online and distance learning is reflected in his performance.”

Digital Marketing Content Specialist Cassidy Colson

“Cassidy embodies the university’s values and demonstrates dedication to her colleagues and the greater NC State community on a daily basis. Her work in managing the digital and social ads for our programs, along with training and supporting our marketing staff on social platforms and content development is integral to our success.”

Director of Digital Media Innovation Mike Cuales

“Mike is able to look past what people haven’t done yet because he knows they can eventually. He looks out for his people, especially in regards to their schedules, personal lives and wellbeing. Mike is everything a boss should be — an effective leader, a role model and a kind person.”

Project Manager Mariana Gallegos

“During our team challenges for 2022-2023, Mariana was a vital contributor. She made it her mission to be everyone’s cheerleader and checked in with us daily. She went out of her way to ensure each of us knew that we were valued and deserved the best and went above and beyond to make sure we knew we were appreciated and talented.”

Associate Director, Instructional Media Production John Gordon

“John demonstrates an undying passion for storytelling and all things video production. He works tirelessly to build and support his team and develop a vision for educational video production that far exceeds expectations. John is a unique leader who inspires everyone around him to achieve more and to believe they can do anything.”

IT Project Analyst and Manager Britnique Hodge

“Britnique seamlessly and proactively built, scaled, adapted and streamlined administrative systems and protocols in response to our rapidly changing technology infrastructure and workflows. In addition, she continues to go above and beyond to make sure faculty, staff and other users are serviced immediately. She is a marvelous example of Think and DO!”

Lead Instructional Designer Caitlin McKeown

“Caitlin is a campus leader who advocates for accessibility at NC State and beyond. She has served as a primary course accessibility expert which led to her spearheading the creation of a DELTA Accessibility Team to better coordinate our efforts and share expertise. We are thankful for her leadership and advocacy and for leading the way in this vitally important area.”

Instructional Technologist Kerri Brown Parker

“Kerri strives for excellence in what she does and inspires all of us on the team to be better teachers. She is a tremendous asset to the team and has been invaluable at helping us to evaluate and troubleshoot issues with new technologies and understanding all of the nuances of how best to deploy and use these tools in instructional settings.”

Associate Vice Provost, Online and Distance Education Tim Petty

“Tim provided reliable leadership when the campus pivoted to remote learning during the pandemic. Resources were developed and software licenses were purchased to help faculty rethink how to administer exams while maintaining academic integrity. Tim’s leadership and direction have been vital to the success of the ODE team and pivotal in moving forward various NC State initiatives impacting the entire NC State community.”

Team Lead, Multimedia Development David Tredwell

“David consistently keeps the team and faculty in mind while diligently exploring new and creative solutions. His kindness, tenacity and team mindset help keep projects within scope and ensure success. David’s leadership with media development also played a critical role on the DELTA accessibility team as he took initiative to become knowledgeable about screen readers and other accessibility topics when he recognized they were areas of need for the team.”

Assistant Director, Research and Analysis Chris Willis

“Chris was nominated for his role in leading the DELTA Assessment Levels MVP initiative. His leadership on this initiative allowed the R&A team to increase production during a time when available resources were reduced and also saved grant project teams time and resources. Overall, his critical reflection regarding ongoing improvements will benefit DELTA and the wider university community in having more detailed conversations about their work.”