Kick Off the Fall Semester with DELTA Workshops and Summer Shorts

Get ready for a fantastic fall semester with DELTA workshops!
As NC State’s full return to campus kicks off, we have a variety of training opportunities lined up for you to learn the tools, techniques and strategies needed to effectively teach online, in-person or both.
We’ll cover academic learning technologies such as Moodle, Zoom, Panopto, Gradescope and more, as well as tips and tricks for using these tools to increase engagement, enhance student success and create a welcoming learning environment.
DELTA workshops are free and open to faculty, staff and graduate teaching assistants. Workshops will be held online and in-person this fall. Be sure to double-check when registering whether a workshop will take place via Zoom or on-campus.
New This Fall
Were you a fan of this summer’s 30-minute workshop series? We’re doing it again! Take a midday break and join us for bite-sized lessons in new tools and teaching strategies. Here are a few examples of what’s in store:
- Top Hat in Hybrid Classrooms
- Designing Your Moodle Course – Accessibility
- Panopto in Moodle
- Moodle Quiz Settings
- Engaging Online Learners – Break-Out Rooms and Small Group Work
Summer Shorts in Instructional Technologies
Open to all staff, faculty and graduate students, registration is now available for Summer Shorts in Instructional Technologies! This year’s program will be hosted August 5 through August 12 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. both virtually and in-person. Additionally, for the first time ever, Summer Shorts sessions will be available to attendees from across local educational institutions!
By attending Summer Shorts in Instructional Technologies, you will learn how to leverage NC State’s innovative learning technologies and strategies to improve student success. A team of DELTA experts and NC State faculty will lead a series of sessions focusing on academic technology throughout each day of the program.
Register for Fall Workshops
Visit for a list of current offerings and to register. You can browse all workshop opportunities in REPORTER by list or calendar view.
Subscribe to the DELTA Connections newsletter to stay up to date with all things DELTA, and sign up for the DELTA Workshops email list for additional updates.
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for reminders and updates.
If you have questions or need assistance registering, please contact the DELTA LearnTech help desk at or 919.513.7094.