Panopto or PlayPosit? Deciding Which is Best for Interactive Video Quizzes

Numerous NC State instructors have increased class engagement through interactive video quizzing. One DELTA collaboration even led to pairing virtual reality with PlayPosit. Faculty may be familiar with PlayPosit and wonder how this connects to Panopto…or if the two tools even have to connect. The breakdown of features below will help you decide which is best for your course.
PlayPosit Basics
PlayPosit is an interactive quizzing platform that allows you to add questions at different points within a video. Whether it’s a lecture video or a YouTube video, this feature boosts student engagement and long-term retention.

Panopto Basics
Panopto is a video management platform that allows faculty to record and stream video. The company is known for its robust accessibility standards, largely accurate auto captioning feature and quality customer service. The tool also allows students to take notes, search, ask questions, and answer interactive quiz questions within the video player. Panopto content can easily be pulled into PlayPosit, but PlayPosit content cannot be pulled into Panopto.

While many question types and capabilities of PlayPosit and Panopto are similar, there are some feature differences noted in the following table:

Essentially, Panopto is where videos can be created, edited, made interactive, and viewed, while PlayPosit is where videos can simply be made interactive and viewed. So how to answer our question? If you have never used PlayPosit for interactive quizzing and wish to include video lectures in your course (or use those that were in Mediasite), we suggest trying the quizzing in Panopto first to keep everything streamlined. If you already have videos and quizzes set up in PlayPosit, there is no harm in keeping those there and simply using Panopto for recording future course videos. The optimal approach is to explore both options as you become more attuned to the features you need for your course objectives.
For more, see:
Add Questions to Your Videos Using PlayPosit
Panopto Knowledge Base Articles
NC State Faculty Teach Creatively with PlayPosit
Panopto First Impressions from NC State Faculty