Enhance Your Teaching with Tech: DELTA Spring Workshops Open

DELTA Workshops focus on providing instructors with the tools, skills and knowledge to effectively use NC State learning technologies to impact student success.
From introductory workshops to more advanced offerings, we have an opportunity for you to learn how to integrate technology to transform your in-person or online course.
All DELTA Workshops are free and open to faculty, staff and graduate teaching assistants.
This spring, workshop formats will consist of in-person courses and online webinars with differing times to accommodate teaching duties and other responsibilities.
During the month of March, we’ll be offering 30-minute, online workshops so you can take refresher courses during advising without having to leave your office.
Workshop Topics
- Intro, advanced and best practice-based workshops on NC State learning technologies:
- WolfWare, Moodle, Zoom, Top Hat, WolfWare WordPress, My Mediasite, Turnitin, and more.
- Teaching with technology strategies and tips:
- Creating engaging instructional videos
- Promoting meaningful learning with student engagement
- Group work and collaborative online tools
- Creating dynamic discussions forums
- Using H5P to create interactive content in Moodle
- Creating and using rubrics for online grading
- Blended learning
- Optimizing Gmail and Google Drive
- Specialty workshops facilitated by DELTA Faculty Fellows
- Drop-in open labs with one-on-one assistance from DELTA instructional technologists.
Asynchronous Workshop Opportunities
Asynchronous, self-paced trainings:
Asynchronous, facilitated trainings:
- Identifying Learning Objective for Your Course
- Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR)
- Best Practices for Teaching Online
Register Now
Visit go.ncsu.edu/deltaworkshops for a list of current offerings and to sign up for a few sessions!
We know teaching with technology can be intimidating at first. Let us join you on your journey and navigate the unknown to get started using technology in your courses.
And, even if you consider yourself an expert with using learning technologies, we’re always refreshing our workshops to include advanced topics as well as tips and tricks you may not have thought about before.
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for reminders and updates about workshop opportunities.
If you have questions or need assistance registering, please contact LearnTech@ncsu.edu or call 919.513.7094.