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Two men wearing masks and headsets watch recorded footage at a desk in the instructional media production control room.

Jun 29, 2020

Faster and Better: Instructional Media Production’s Year in Review

With innovative technologies, refined workflows and extensive upgrades, Instructional Media Production got "faster and better" at delivering high-quality multimedia to support NC State students and faculty in fiscal year 2019-2020. 

Screenshot of the presentation. Presenting: The 1st Virtual DELTA 2019 Pride of the Wolfpack and Cheers for Peers Awards Presentation.

Jun 4, 2020

DELTA Celebrates Pride of the Wolfpack and Cheers for Peers Recipients

This year’s Pride of the Wolfpack and Cheers for Peers celebration looked a bit different than in years past. Instead of the usual all-DELTA in-person staff meeting, we held the first DELTA virtual awards ceremony via Zoom on May 29, 2020. Congratulations to all who have gone above and beyond! 

Associate Vice Provost for Academic Technology Innovation Donna Petherbridge welcomes faculty at the 2018 Summer Shorts in Instructional Technologies program. Petherbridge stands at front of room interacting with faculty. Faculty have hands raised.

Jun 3, 2020

Inside DELTA: 5 Questions with Donna Petherbridge

A new Inside DELTA highlighting the life of DELTA staff in their day-to-day work routines and life outside of work. Donna Petherbridge is the Associate Vice Provost for Academic Technology Information and a passionate advocate for DELTA staff and services across NC State's campus. 

Rows of desks with computers and partitions for test taking.

May 20, 2020

DELTA Testing Services Reflects on a Unique Final Exam Period

NC State students took spring 2020 final exams remotely due to closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. DELTA Testing Services adapted to the unprecedented changes with new applications and strategies to support students and faculty. 

Copper wolves on central campus.

Apr 30, 2020

Two DELTA Staff Members Receive 2020 Provost’s Unit Award for Excellence

The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost honored DELTA staff members David Howard and Charlene Pettiway each with an Award for Excellence for their extraordinary commitment and contributions to DELTA and the larger NC State community. 

Young woman sitting on a brick ledge with a laptop in front of large windows and greenery.

Apr 22, 2020

Tips for Engaging Your Students from DELTA Instructional Designers

As NC State instructors dive into remote instruction, it may feel harder to connect with your students than it did in person. DELTA's skilled instructional designers are sharing their favorite tools and techniques to promote student engagement and meaningful interactions in online courses. 

Emanuel Brunson is pictured standing at his computer with a headset on looking at the computer screen. He is in his office at CTI.

Apr 16, 2020

A Resilient Pack: Supporting Faculty Behind the Scenes

DELTA means change. And in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, the statement holds true. Our organization has changed and adapted to do everything we can to support faculty in the transition to remote teaching and learning. 

Scott and his aunt pose in front of water and hills in Santa Barbara, California.

Apr 15, 2020

Inside DELTA: 5 Questions with Scott Leonard

A new Inside DELTA highlighting the life of DELTA staff in their day-to-day work routines and life outside of work. As a technology support analyst, Scott Leonard helps to ensure that DELTA's tech runs smoothly. Outside of work, he's an avid musician. 

Screenshot of Yiling and Jill from the Zoom desktop client.

Mar 19, 2020

Top 5 Tips for Using Zoom Meetings

Check out these tips and tricks to help you navigate Zoom meetings like a pro. Zoom can help facilitate communication, collaboration and help build a sense of community in the online environment. 

The spring 2020 ocip cohort in a group photo in the CTI lobby.

Mar 4, 2020

The Pathway Toward Quality Assurance

A new group of NC State faculty members are on their way to Quality Matters course certification through completion of the Online Course Improvement Program (OCIP). This cohort will work to make improvements to their online or blended courses and continue raising the bar for quality online education at NC State.