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PlayPosit blue and black dog logo

May 29, 2020

Bringing Interaction to Instructional Videos with PlayPosit

PlayPosit is an interactive video editing tool helping educators make the most out of instructional videos with embedded questions, learning objectives and more. Effective Aug. 1, all NC State faculty members will have complete and free access to use PlayPosit in their fall 2020 courses. 

Rows of desks with computers and partitions for test taking.

May 20, 2020

DELTA Testing Services Reflects on a Unique Final Exam Period

NC State students took spring 2020 final exams remotely due to closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. DELTA Testing Services adapted to the unprecedented changes with new applications and strategies to support students and faculty. 

DELTA Summer Workshops graphic with a computer screen.

May 20, 2020

DELTA Summer Workshops: Effectively Teach Online

DELTA is offering weekly workshops throughout the summer to help you continue to navigate the shift to remote instruction. We’ll cover the tools, techniques and strategies you need to effectively teach online. 

Laptop on desk next to stacked notebooks and a pencil cup.

May 14, 2020

DELTA Instructional Technologists Share Tips for Teaching Online

This summer will feel different for NC State instructors and students as all courses move online. DELTA's Instructional Technology Training team is sharing their favorite tools and techniques for online instruction to help faculty make the transition and give students an engaging summer of learning. 

Avent Ferry entrance to Centennial Campus. Photo by Roger Winstead.

May 1, 2020

Alternative Assessment Resources for Teaching and Learning Online

There are many alternative authentic assessments instructors can use to assess student learning online without the need for proctored exams. Planning for and creating alternative assessments may be easier than you think, and when implemented appropriately, student mastery of learning is also likely to improve, while time spent grading can often be reduced. A best… 

Course Quality Program. Aspire Higher. NC State DELTA. Graphic of a wolf with a medal.

May 1, 2020

Course Quality Program Applications Open for Fall 2020

The Course Quality Program at NC State is accepting applications for fall 2020. The application system is open May 4-29. Review the available opportunities and find which program is right for you. 

A child waters a fruit and vegetable garden with a hose.

Apr 29, 2020

Natural Learning Initiative Takes Education Outdoors with WolfWare Outreach

The Natural Learning Initiative offers two asynchronous certificate programs for professional development in WolfWare Outreach. The certificate programs are tailored to early childhood and landscape design professionals who want to improve children's outdoor learning environments. 

Young woman sitting on a brick ledge with a laptop in front of large windows and greenery.

Apr 22, 2020

Tips for Engaging Your Students from DELTA Instructional Designers

As NC State instructors dive into remote instruction, it may feel harder to connect with your students than it did in person. DELTA's skilled instructional designers are sharing their favorite tools and techniques to promote student engagement and meaningful interactions in online courses. 

James McConnell sits at a large desk talking with a group of faculty members.

Apr 20, 2020

DELTA Faculty Fellows Support NC State Peers in Academic Continuity

Several former and current DELTA Faculty Fellows are sharing their expertise in teaching with technology to help NC State instructors make the switch to remote teaching and achieve academic continuity. 

Course Quality Program. Aspire Higher. NC State DELTA. Graphic of a wolf with a medal.

Apr 17, 2020

Congrats to Faculty for Commitment to Online Course Quality

While the NC State community is facing unprecedented challenges and subsequent changes, NC State faculty have continued their dedication to course improvement. The faculty mentioned have worked hard to complete Quality Matters (QM) training and raise the bar for online education at NC State.