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faculty fellows

May 5, 2017

Meet DELTA Faculty Fellow Carolyn Quarterman

We will be featuring our second cohort group of DELTA Faculty Fellows in articles during the next few months. Meet Dr. Carolyn Quarterman, senior lecturer in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. 

Amanda Edwards headshot

Apr 19, 2017

Meet DELTA Faculty Fellow Amanda Edwards

We will be featuring our second cohort group of DELTA Faculty Fellows in articles during the next few months. Meet Dr. Amanda Edwards, director of the Leadership in the Public Sector program in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences School of Public and International Affairs. 

Illustration by DELTA Multimedia Designer Rich Gurnsey

Mar 29, 2017

When Technology Fails: A Short Memoir

When faced with a near-technology disaster at a conference presentation, DELTA Faculty Fellow Maria Gallardo-Williams found a solution. Read about her social media solution that saved the day. 

instructor explaining gamifaction from course

Aug 13, 2016

Faculty Fellows

Whether leading workshops on NC State’s campus, sharing best practices via articles or presenting at conferences, the DELTA Faculty Fellows are building a stellar reputation. Included in the DELTA Grants for the first time in the 2015-2016 cycle, the Faculty Fellows earn funding for around 40 hours of partnership activities. And according to Director of Instructional Support Services… 

DELTA Grants graphics

Aug 8, 2016

Recipients for 2016-2017 DELTA Grants Released

DELTA is pleased to announce the awarding of more than $287,000 in new and continuing DELTA Grants to 29 recipients across 10 academic colleges and divisions, and the continuation of four Critical Path Course Redesign Grants as well as the continuation of three Faculty Fellows Grants. 

Illustration: Meg Snyder, DELTA new media designer

May 21, 2016

Taming the Large Class Beast

How to Use Technology as a Means to Reach Students Individually — or Fake it Successfully
Large class instructors, I am one of you, and I feel your pain. 

Mar 30, 2016

Creative Course Redesigns Benefit Students

Faculty members continually seek ways to solve instructional challenges and increase the effectiveness of course activities. But it’s difficult to find creative solutions without adequate time and resources. Faculty also face the urgent need to improve passing rates for classes with a high number of D and F grades and high withdrawals or DFW rates.… 

Mar 1, 2016

S.M.A.R.T. Ways to Teach Using YouTube

I would like to tell you that every time I teach there are epiphanies all over the room, and that you can hear the angels sing, but that would be lying, so I won’t tell you that. But I will tell you that the closest I’ve ever come to experience such moments is when I… 

Mar 1, 2016

A Constructivist View of Teaching (AKA: If I can do it, anyone can!)

A constructivist view of education has come into its own in recent years. Educators are now quick to acknowledge that all students come to the table with valuable experiences and knowledge that can enhance learning outcomes. We get that students are not receptacles into which we dump information, but rather learning is best when an… 

Sep 3, 2015

DELTA Grants Recipients attend orientation

On Monday, August 31, all new DELTA Grants recipients were invited to an orientation meeting in EB II on Centennial Campus. After a greeting from Senior Vice Provost Tom Miller, the grant recipients paired off for an icebreaker activity. Each pair introduced their partner to the group and shared what his/her grant would be focused…