Aug 22, 2011
EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative explores initial questions around open educational content and gives examples of high-quality content development.
Registration is now open for the DELTA Fall 2011 workshop series and our schedule of classes begins on September 6th.
Aug 8, 2011
We're proud to role out two new resources for the Elluminate users in our NC State community, Teaching with Elluminate and Learning with Elluminate.
Aug 4, 2011
Three DELTA student interns and Design students made a huge splash on Raleigh's skyline with a set of banners now adorning the L-Building in Raleigh.
Jul 28, 2011
From July 11th to the 13th, I attended and presented at the Blackboard Collaborate Community Summit.
Jun 3, 2011
The 2011-12 RFP for DELTA Large Course Redesign (LCR) Pilot Grants has been released, with a submission due date of July 22, 2011.
May 23, 2011
Registration for DELTA’s Summer 2011 workshop series is now open to NC State faculty, staff & graduate students!
May 17, 2011
This Friday (May 20th) is the final day of our annual Summer Institute on Teaching & Learning with Technology.
Apr 25, 2011
On April 26, DELTA will release the Request for Proposal (RFP) for this year’s cycle of IDEA grants (2011-2012).
Apr 3, 2011
The 13th Annual DELTA Summer Institute application deadline has been extended! We will now be accepting applications through Wednesday, April 6.