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Author: Jill Anderson


Nov 22, 2023

Universal Design for Learning

Interested in learning about Universal Design for Learning (UDL)? It is a framework that supports accessibility, usability and inclusion throughout your course that makes accessibility better and easier, and proactively reduces the need for accommodations. 

Screenshot of Yellowdig Caption Editor

Oct 13, 2023

Video Auto-Captions in Yellowdig

Do your students love recording videos as part of their Yellowdig posts? Do you do this yourself? You may have noticed that these videos don’t have captions — until now! Great news, as of September, videos recorded or uploaded to Yellowdig will have captions automatically generated! Closed captioning of videos is necessary for learners who… 

Spring flowers near Talley Student Union.

Sep 25, 2023

Course Design for Neurodiverse Learners

Did you know that of the  2173 NC State students registered with the Disability Resources Office (DRO) in Fall of 2023, 1,111 of them identify neurodiversity as the reason they are seeking accommodations? Given these high numbers and the fact that many such disabilities go unreported, many instructors wonder if they can support neurodiverse students proactively… 

Student shows his diverse color selection before adding his hand print to the Free Expression Tunnel during Respect The Pack.

Aug 21, 2023

Color Contrast Tools

Color contrast is an important aspect of accessible design, particularly for text and other important data. Color contrast means the difference in brightness between two colors, in this case the text and the background. Contrast is described using a ratio, ranging from 1:1 (white on white) to 21:1 (black on white). For accessibility purposes, 4.5:1… 

Jul 21, 2023

Start Fall with an Updated Syllabus!

Learn about the updated and refreshed syllabus template available to copy and build your fall syllabi. This new tool adheres to the NC State course syllabus regulation which makes it easier for you to be in compliance. 

Jul 18, 2023

Remi Ham Receives Yellowdig Award

Assistant Teaching Professor Remi Ham was recognized for “Excellent STEM use” of the instructional discussion tool Yellowdig. Ham’s students were part of an active community using this tool to share their experiences with horticulture. 

Apr 19, 2023

Brickfield: A New Moodle Accessibility Toolkit

Want to provide class material to accommodate the needs of all students? Accessibility issues can be identified and fixed on your Moodle site with Brickfield Accessibility+ Toolkit. Be proactive by future-proofing your course content to address areas needing adjustment to meet accessibility guidelines. 

Four NC State students talking and laughing.

Apr 19, 2023

We’re Digging Yellowdig: New Discussion Platform!

Fostering student conversations is imperative to success in online courses. NC State offers a new tool modeled after popular social media platforms that is based on the concept that students want to talk to each other. 


Jan 25, 2023

What’s New in Zoom for Spring 2023

It’s hard to believe that three years ago, many of us at NC State had never participated in a Zoom meeting…much less hosted one. Then, suddenly in March 2020, we did everything via Zoom that we used to do in person. Read Instructional Technologist Jill Anderson’s tips on what’s new! 

people posed in New York head cutouts

Aug 29, 2022

DELTA Does New York: ED-MEDIA + Innovate Learning Conference 

The ED-MEDIA + Innovate Learning Conference in New York was a great learning experience for several of our instructional support and training team. In this article, our DELTA staff who attended provide a few takeaways!