DELTA Knowledge Base Highlights

The DELTA Knowledge Base is a great resource for instant support to help answer many WolfWare, Moodle or general instructional technology questions you may have. Just navigate to our DELTA Knowledge Base homepage, and in the search bar provided, type the specific tool or issue you need help with to see the articles that are available to assist in resolving the issue.
Periodically, the LearnTech team will highlight helpful DELTA Knowledge Base articles via the DELTA Connections newsletter. This month’s article focuses on those resources most useful during the semester.
Top Knowledge Base Articles for Managing Your Courses During the Semester
Instructors may have copied over content from a previous course they are not going to use or have simply decided not to use a specific activity or resource and need to delete that item. Note if student grade data was collected as part of a Moodle activity, it should not be deleted from the course but rather hidden to preserve those course records.
Students may complete quizzes asynchronously and during a broad window of time. The review options allow you to indicate what information a student can see about the quiz (grade, responses, etc.) and when that information is made available (right after the quiz, while it’s still open and others are completing it, or after it closes and all students should have finished the quiz).
There are situations when you must provide separate activity settings (access dates, time limit, number of attempts, etc.) for either an individual student or group of students. The Overrides tool permits you to set individualized task settings to accommodate the individual student’s or group of students needs.
Instructors may have identified a specific Moodle quiz question that had an error or caused large confusion that they would like to adjust for future use while also updating student scores on the most recent attempts to reflect those changes.
Instructors may need to review specific grade items within the Moodle gradebook and how those items have been adjusted throughout the semester. This grade history report is especially helpful when there are TAs grading within a course, as it will show what edits each grader has made over the entire length of the course.
When students drop a course, and are removed from the relevant WolfWare and Moodle space, their records within the Moodle course are retained. Instructors are occasionally asked to provide activity verification for students who have dropped a course. A good method to verify the student’s activity is to review the course logs and filter by the specific student in question.
You may need to move items into and out of specific gradebook categories based on their particular grading scheme. Additionally, you may simply want to reorganize the location of gradebook items to clarify how they contribute to the final course grade.
The bulk import feature allows users to take a CSV file with student identifiers and grade data, and upload it to a specific Moodle grade item in the course. This is especially useful when administering in person exams that need to have actual grades entered back into Moodle.
For additional assistance with DELTA supported technologies, you can contact the LearnTech Help Desk via email or at (919) 513-7094 or via the Get Help form on the DELTA Knowledge Base website.
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