2022-2023 DELTA Grants Recipients Announced

DELTA is pleased to announce $242,062 in 14 new and eight continuing DELTA Grants to 32 recipients across the university. Recipients represent nine academic colleges and the Institute for Advanced Analytics.
DELTA is providing continuing support to three Critical Path grant recipients and four Faculty Fellows from the 2021-2022 grant cycle, whose cohort will also welcome four new additions.
In collaboration with our faculty and campus partners, we look forward to creating innovative solutions to instructional challenges and increasing student success. As we leverage the latest technologies, apply research-based standards of excellence and explore advancements in instructional design, DELTA Grants enhance the digital learning environment at NC State.
This year’s grant types include Course Design, Course Improvement, Critical Path, Exploratory and Faculty Fellows.
Biotechnology Program
Recipient(s) | Grant Type | Title | Department |
Carlos Goller | Course Improvement | Biotechnology and Sustainability | Biological Sciences |
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Recipient(s) | Grant Type | Title | Department |
Joy Morgan Fleming | Course Design | Presentations in Agricultural Organizations Course Improvement | Agriculture and Human Sciences |
Lucie Guertault | Critical Path | Flipping and Emphasizing Active Learning in an Introductory Computer-Based Problem-Solving Course |
Biological and Agricultural Engineering |
Terri Billeisen | Exploratory | Creating Interactive, Virtual Environments to Improve Student Approaches to Pest Management |
Entomology and Plant Pathology |
Nicola Singletary | Course Improvement | Nutrition for the Older Adult | Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences |
Wendy Warner | Course Improvement | Computer Applications and Information Technology in Agricultural and Extension Education |
Agricultural and Human Sciences |
Remington Ham | Course Improvement | World of Horticulture: Principles and Practices | Horticultural Science |
College of Design
Recipient(s) | Grant Type | Title | Department |
Pat Fitzgerald | Course Design | ADN 219 Redesign | Art + Design |
College of Education
Recipient(s) | Grant Type | Title | Department |
Julia McKeown | Exploratory | Developing and Leveraging an XR Repository to Promote, Distribute, and Inform Education Professionals in the areas of XR. | Teacher Education and Learning Sciences |
Angie Smith | Exploratory | Enhancing the Skill Development of Counselors-in-Training: Video Processing Demonstrations | Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development |
Carrol Warren | Faculty Fellows | Building a Pack of Community Influencers | Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development |
Michelle Falter | Faculty Fellows (Continuing) | Fostering Anti-Racist & Dialogic Learning in Online, Hybrid, and F2F Learning Environments through Instructional Technology Use | Teacher Education and Learning Sciences |
College of Engineering
Recipient(s) | Grant Type | Title | Department |
Ignacio Dominguez and Alexander Card | Course Design | Flipping Game Design: A Redesign of CSC 281 to Enhance the Classroom Experience | Computer Science |
Shuyin Jiao | Critical Path (Continuing) | Critical Path Course Redesign of CSC 111: Introduction to Computing – Python | Computer Science |
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Recipient(s) | Grant Type | Title | Department |
Caitlin Stuckey | Course Improvement | Communication for Science and Research | English |
Anna Gibson | Course Improvement | Survey of English Literature II | English |
Kelly Laraway | Course Improvement | Grant Writing | Leadership in the Public Sector |
Sherry DeLeon | Course Improvement | Year Two of Learning Applications for Dendrology | Leadership in the Public Sector |
College of Natural Resources
Recipient(s) | Grant Type | Title | Department |
Martha Brown | Course Design | Creating An Online version of PRT 286 for a Virtual World | Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management |
Nathan Williams | Exploratory | Exploring and Creating Inclusive Virtual Recreation Experiences and Environments in PRT 152 | Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management |
Jonathan Casper | Course Improvement | Lessons Learned from Pandemic Teaching: Access, Flexibility, and Human Connection | Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management |
Kyle Bunds | Faculty Fellows | Effective Use of Educational Technologies for Virtual Classroom Community Building | Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management |
Megan Lupek | Critical Path (Continuing) | Environmental First Year Program (CNR Academic Affairs) | Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management |
College of Sciences
Recipient(s) | Grant Type | Title | Department |
Lisa Paciulli | Critical Path | Critical Path (CP) Course Redesign of BIO 181 001 and 002: Introductory Biology for a more “JEDI” Student Experience |
Biological Sciences |
Aram Amassian and Ryan Chiechi | Exploratory | Using Robotics to Create a True Distance Organic Chemistry Lab Experience for Undergraduates | Chemistry |
Miriam Ferzil | Faculty Fellows | Educational Technology for Collaborative and Active Learning | Biological Sciences |
Bevin Maultsby | Faculty Fellows (Continuing) | Faculty Fellows Grant | Mathematics |
Claire Gordy | Faculty Fellows (Continuing) | Lessons Learned from Pandemic Teaching: Access, Flexibility, and Human Connection | Biological Sciences |
College of Veterinary Medicine
Recipient(s) | Grant Type | Title | Department |
Kip Berry and Nicholas Petrovitch | Exploratory | Development of Radiology Web-based Application for Veterinary Students and Veterinarians to Improve Radiographic Interpretation Skills | Molecular Biomedical Sciences |
Institute for Advanced Analytics
Recipient(s) | Grant Type | Title | Department | |
Sarah Egan Warren | Faculty Fellows | Data Analytics Everywhere: Using Dashboards to Improve Student Performance and Engagement | Institute for Advanced Analytics |
Poole College of Management
Recipient(s) | Grant Type | Title | Department |
Thayer Morrill | Course Design | Games are interesting – so should a game theory textbook | Economics |
Pieter Verhallen | Course Improvement | Marketing Methods | Business Management |
Sarah Khan | Faculty Fellows (Continuing) | Using Blended Learning Design to Achieve Agile Learning Environment in BUS 340 | Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science |
Wilson College of Textiles
Recipient(s) | Grant Type | Title | Department |
Chanmi Hwang | Exploratory | 3D apparel design and avatar simulation through an interactive virtual exhibition | Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management |
Congratulations to all of the recipients!
- Categories: