Step It Up With Summer Workshops

DELTA is offering free Summer Workshops for faculty, staff and graduate students who want to improve their knowledge of NC State’s instructional tools and better use them to suit their classroom needs.
The majority of the workshops focus on the new Moodle update, Moodle 4, but many other topics, including PlayPosit, Panopto and Gradescope will also be covered. Descriptions of each Summer Workshop are listed below.
Many of these online and hybrid workshops are offered around lunchtime at 12:30 p.m. and are only 30 minutes long. A full schedule of Summer Workshops can be found on the DELTA Workshops page.
Seeking additional help with Moodle 4 for your department? Email for more information on custom workshops for your faculty and staff. Also, don’t forget to check out DELTA’s Moodle Bootcamp and Summer Shorts, taking place Aug. 15-19 this year!
Navigating Moodle 4
With Moodle 4 on the horizon, this 30 minute workshop will help you navigate the upcoming changes and answer your questions. Please note: due to the frequency of changes and updates to Moodle 4, each workshop may vary slightly based on the newest developments.
Moving Your Course to Moodle 4
Moodle 4 offers an exciting new look and feel for your course. Join us in person or online for a walkthrough of the improved navigation and explore organizational strategies in the new theme during this one-hour session. Following the main workshop content, there will be an optional one- or two-hour Open Lab where you can get individual assistance with your course.
Creating an Instructor Welcome Video
A video introduction to your course and you as the instructor can help set the tone for your course, build classroom community and motivate students! Join us for this brief session covering what types of content best fit in a welcome video and how to use the NC State video tool Panopto to create a video and use it in your Moodle course.
PlayPosit Set-Up and First Bulb
PlayPosit is an interactive video creator that integrates with Moodle. Instructors can layer questions and pauses into videos to help students actively engage with content. In this session, participants will set up an interactive video “bulb” in Moodle
Planning for a Successful Course with a Course Map
A well-designed Moodle course starts before you even “Turn Editing On.” In this session, we will discuss how to create a course map to align your course components for better organization and student success.
Annotating With Jamboard
Google Jamboard is a collaborative digital whiteboard you and your students can use synchronously or asynchronously to visually add and manipulate content, including drawings, sticky notes, text and images. In this workshop, we will explore the basic functionality and discuss creative ways to use this tool to engage students and get them interacting with content and each other.
Keeping Your Hybrid and In-Person Students Chatting
When a course is livestreamed in a hybrid class, how do you connect with the students watching the stream? How do your in-person students connect with those watching the stream? Why would you want them to connect in the first place? In this workshop, we will discuss best practices and tool selection for encouraging dialogue between your students, no matter where they are located.
Turnitin Overview
Turnitin is a digital tool integrated within Moodle that can provide students and instructors with plagiarism detection and grammar checking. In this session, instructors will learn how to set up an assignment in Moodle with the Turnitin features enabled.
Gradescope Overview
Are you interested in seamlessly administering and grading all your online or in-person assessments? Would you like to save time grading and get a clear picture of how students are doing in your class? If so, consider joining us for this hands-on workshop where we will go through the steps of getting started with Gradescope and discuss how this tool has helped grading in NC State courses.
Applying Universal Design Principles to Teaching: Increasing Equity, Access and Engagement
This workshop will cover the background and basics of Universal Design for Learning, provide examples and suggestions for applying the framework in your courses and explain how it can help make your course more accessible.
Create a “Just Right” Video: Length and Chunking Content
Take advantage of easy to use editing tools in Panopto or PlayPosit to create a video that students are more likely to watch. This session will cover how to use chapters in Panopto and editing tools in both Playposit and Panopto to create shorter, more accessible videos for your students. We will also identify ways to share videos in these two tools and strategies to determine ideal video length and how to divide and conquer your videos!
Top Hat in Hybrid Classrooms
Hybrid classes are those that include both synchronous and asynchronous components. Top Hat is a platform that offers tools to engage learners asynchronously with pre-class work and allows for active participation during and after class with homework and review. Come learn how Top Hat can keep your students actively learning in your hybrid course!