Classroom Capture for Fall 2021

As part of the transition from Mediasite to Panopto, DELTA and ClassTech have worked together to deploy more than 280 recorders across campus. For a list of 110 classrooms equipped for recording, refer to this spreadsheet.
With the expansive addition of recorders, we will continue to have classroom capture be an Opt-out service.
The service extends to ClassTech classrooms only, not departmentally supported classrooms. Departmentally supported spaces will be managed by their departmental IT support staff.
Faculty teaching face to face in a classroom capture-enabled space will receive an email (one per course) with a classroom capture folder link. This is how they will access their recordings via their course’s Panopto folder. The email will also include links to the appropriate how-to video based on the room their class is in, instructions for how to opt-out, ways to contact support and find resources, safety protocols and an opportunity to rehearse early.
There are many ways to get comfortable with classroom capture technology. Panopto instructional resources are available on the NC State Panopto home page.
DELTA staff members are available to answer questions about classroom capture and recording. Contact the LearnTech Help Desk for support.