Register for Summer Shorts 2021

Open to all staff, faculty and graduate students, registration is now available for Summer Shorts in August! This year’s program will be hosted August 5 through August 12 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. both virtually and in-person. Additionally, for the first time ever, Summer Shorts sessions will be available to individuals from across local higher education institutions!
By attending Summer Shorts in Instructional Technologies, you will learn how to leverage NC State’s innovative learning technologies and strategies to improve student success. A team of DELTA experts will lead a series of sessions focusing on academic technology throughout each day of the program.
We are excited to present DELTA’s Summer Shorts program both in-person and virtually!
Session Schedule
Summer Shorts will kick off on Thursday, August 5 for in-person and live-streamed sessions at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh. Join us for a day packed with topics including instructional technologies, Universal Design, accessibility and more!
Friday, August 6, we will be joined virtually with Keynote Speaker Flower Darby via Zoom. Darby is recognized globally for her innovative teaching techniques and will be reviewing ideas such as mental health, active learning and Agile instructional design.
Wolfware Boot Camp: Moodle and More will be hosted Tuesday, August 10 and Wednesday, August 11 at the Avent Ferry Technology Center. We will be introducing NC State’s WolfWare technologies as well as other tools used for hybrid instruction and some of their best practices. WolfWare Boot Camp is open only to NC State attendees.
Our Summer Shorts events will wrap up on Thursday, August 12 with Applying the Quality Matters Rubric at the Avent Ferry Technology Center. This event will do a deep dive into the QM Rubric as well as applying the concept of alignment and reviewing course improvement recommendations.
Check out to register for the program. You will be able to register for each day of Summer Shorts individually.
Subscribe to the DELTA Connections Newsletter to stay up to date for more information about Summer Shorts’ day-to-day programming and other DELTA events. The DELTA Workshops email list will also contain additional updates.
For assistance, contact DELTA’s LearnTech help desk at or 919.513.7094.