Course Quality Program Applications Open for Fall 2020

*The application deadline for the fall 2020 Course Quality Program pathways has been extended through the end of June! Apply now!
The Course Quality Program at NC State is accepting applications for fall 2020. The application system is open now through June 30.
Check out the following opportunities and find which program is right for you.
Quality Matters Essential Standards Program (QMESP)
QMESP is a professional development opportunity for faculty who currently teach online who seek to build new knowledge and skills in pursuit of improving one of their online courses. The program model is individually focused; participants attend workshops and course quality consultations to help them design a course that meets the essential standards of the research-based and education driven Quality Matters Rubric for Higher Education. Review the QMESP webpage for more details.
Application for Quality Matters Essential Standards Program
Online Course Improvement Program (OCIP)
OCIP is a rigorous professional development program based on Quality Matters and requires a significant time commitment. Successful completion in OCIP culminates in an official Quality Matters Peer Review and certification of your online or blended course. NC State now has 20 certified Quality Matters courses that meet the highest standard for online course quality and design. Review the OCIP webpage for more details.
Application for Online Course Improvement Program
The deadline for all applications is the end of the business day Tuesday, June 30, 2020.
Contact Bethanne Tobey ( if you have questions.