Friday Live Webinar Series: Discussions on Teaching with Tech(Archive)

Join us for Friday Live, DELTA’s webinar series focused on teaching with technology. All discussions are led by NC State faculty and delivered online in Zoom from 12-1 p.m.
Conversational and collaborative, the webinars are intended to spur idea sharing among instructors.
With a different topic each week, you’ll have an opportunity to add new resources to your teaching with technology toolkit and also share a few of your own tips and tricks of the trade with other instructors.
Sept. 20
Speaker: Maria Gallardo-Williams
Topic: Student-Generated Digital Content
Sept. 27
Speaker: Justin Post
Topic: Flipping to Engage
Oct. 4
Speaker: Elaine Bohórquez
Topic: Top Hat and the Student Experience in Graduate Physiology Courses
Oct. 11
Speaker: Emily Griffith
Topic: Collaborative Course Redesign: Students as Consultants
Oct. 18
Speaker: Melissa Ramirez
Topic: 3D Printing as an Inclusive Teaching Methodology
Oct. 25
Speaker: TBD
Topic: TBD