DELTA Workshops Available to Strengthen Your Teaching with Technology

We’re back this fall with new opportunities for you to learn how to effectively leverage NC State learning technologies to improve student success!
New Workshop Delivery Methods
New to our Fall Workshops 2019 is a series of facilitated opportunities so you can follow along with DELTA as we cover a few key teaching with technology topics:
Best Practices for Teaching Online, Aug. 26 – Sept. 20.
- This asynchronous, facilitated training is designed to identify best practices in teaching online. From course design to pedagogical theories, we’ll discuss skills, strategies and techniques you can easily incorporate into your own learning environments.
Identifying Learning Objectives for Your Course, Sept. 23 – Sept. 27
- Are you starting a new course? Or Re-evaluating a current course? Where do you start — with learning objectives! This asynchronous, facilitated training will help you prepare to create clear and measurable learning objectives that will help you align your course materials, learning activities and assessments.
- You can expect to spend a total of approximately two-three hours over the course of five days, with daily interaction from your facilitator.
Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) Sept. 10 – Sept. 24
- Are you new to Quality Matters (QM) or considering adopting a quality assurance process for online and blended learning? APPQMR is QM’s flagship workshop on the QM Rubric and its use in reviewing the design of online and blended courses. In addition to learning about the QM Rubric and the course review process, you’ll learn how to apply the concept of alignment and draft helpful recommendations for course improvement.
- Successful completion of the APPQMR workshop is the prerequisite for the Online Course Improvement Program and the QM Essential Standards Programs offered through DELTA at NC State.
- This is an online, asynchronous workshop in Moodle that runs over the course of two weeks. Participants can expect to commit 7-8 hours per week for readings, assignments and activities.
On the flip side, we also are offering a self-paced Teaching with Moodle course so you can learn and explore Moodle on your own time:
Self-Paced Teaching with Moodle
- This asynchronous, self-paced course is designed to help you become familiar with the basic functions of Moodle, while providing the flexibility of learning and exploring the features on your own.
New Content this Fall
Marrying Google Drive and Moodle: Assignments, Feedback and Grading
- We’re excited to offer a workshop about the new Google Course Kit which allows you to collect assignments and give feedback using both Google Drive and Moodle, simplifying your grading and feedback workflow!
- Instructors can integrate G Suite’s collaboration capabilities into learning workflows — what does this mean? You are no longer restricted to the convoluted workflow of the Moodle grading panel (download, track changes, re-upload). You can now grade and provide rich feedback within Google — all while syncing the grades to Moodle.
Friday Live: Discussions on Teaching with Technology
- Join us for a six-week discussion series on teaching with technology topics. Led by NC State faculty, these discussions will be informal and meant to spur idea sharing among peers. Friday Live will be held from 12-1 p.m. online in Zoom. The full schedule is coming soon!
Why Should You Attend a DELTA Workshop?
- All of our workshops are free and open to faculty, staff and graduate teaching assistants. Don’t miss a free opportunity to receive professional development. See information on registration below.
- Teaching with unfamiliar technology can be scary at first. Come let us help you navigate the unknown and get started using technology in your courses.
- Even if you consider yourself an expert with using technology in your classroom, we’re always refreshing our workshops to include more advanced topics as well as tips and tricks you may not have thought of before.
- We offer online workshops so you can squeeze in a session without leaving your office!
Register Now
Visit for a list of current offerings and to sign up for a few sessions!
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for reminders and updates about workshop opportunities.
If you have questions or need assistance registering, please contact or call 919.513.7094.
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