Submit a Proposal for Summer Shorts 2019(Archive)

Are you leveraging innovative online teaching strategies and NC State learning technologies to improve student success? Consider sharing your experiences and expertise at the 2019 DELTA Summer Shorts in Instructional Technologies program held the week of Aug. 12.
We are now accepting session proposals for both our face-to-face (Aug. 12) and online (Aug. 13) days. Proposals will be accepted now through May 31, with decisions reached and notifications sent by June 15.
All NC State faculty and staff are eligible to apply, and individuals may submit up to three proposals. View an example of an ideal proposal.
Summer Shorts 2019 Overview
Registration for Summer Shorts 2019 will open July 8.
This year’s program schedule includes:
- Monday, Aug. 12, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. — Face-to-face conference sessions, keynote presentation, panels and Speed Geeking held at the McKimmon Center.
- Tuesday, Aug. 13, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. — Online conference sessions including a keynote presentation held in Zoom.
- Wednesday, Aug. 14, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. — WolfWare Boot Camp held at the Avent Ferry Technology Center.
- Friday, Aug. 16, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. — Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) workshop held at the Center for Technology and Innovation.
Monday’s face-to-face conference day will feature sessions on a variety of teaching with technology topics. We’ll also have panels featuring our Faculty Fellows and a panel on Quality Matters.
Speed Geeking is back this year! Speed geeking, or speed dating with technology, will allow attendees to view multiple quick presentations about different tools and topics. Presenters will be given five to eight minutes to demo a process, give a short talk and answer questions before moving on to the next group.
Tuesday’s online conference day will be held in Zoom featuring a variety of sessions related to teaching with technology.
Wednesday’s WolfWare Boot Camp will be the perfect day for attendees to gear up for the new semester. We’ll have sessions on how to use NC State learning technologies and more!
Included this year in Summer Shorts is the Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) workshop on Friday. This is QM’s flagship workshop on the QM rubric and its use in reviewing the design of online and blended courses.
Be on the lookout for more details about Summer Shorts coming soon!
If you have questions, contact DELTA’s LearnTech help desk at or 919.513.7094.