DELTA Announces 2018-2019 Grant Recipients

DELTA announces more than $240,000 in new and continuing DELTA Grants to 29 recipients across the university including eight academic colleges and the Division of Academic and Student Affairs.
DELTA is providing continuing support for two Critical Path Course Redesign projects and one continuing Faculty Fellow.
We look forward to collaborating with our faculty partners to create solutions to instructional challenges that promote the use of instructional technology and course design. With our goals of enhancing the technology-rich learning environment and increasing student success at NC State, DELTA staff members seek innovative ways to apply pedagogy and innovation through our DELTA Grants program.
This year’s grant types include four new Faculty Fellows, one Blending Learning, four Critical Path Course Redesign, four Online and Distance Education, seven Exploratory and six new Rapid Design.
Recipient(s) | Grant Type | Title | College | Department |
Marissa Herchler | Exploratory | Augmented Reality for Process Flow and Formulation | CALS | Prestage Family Department of Poultry Science |
Julianne Treme | Rapid Design | Gamification: Leveling Up in Economics | CALS | Agricultural and Resource Economics |
Steven Hall | Blended Learning | Development of a Distance Ed Aquacultural Engineering Course | CALS | Biological and Agricultural Engineering |
Marne Coit | Rapid Design | Food Law | CALS | Agricultural and Resource Economics |
Deborah Littlejohn | Exploratory | If This is Theory, Why Isn’t it Boring? Connecting a Traditional Text[book] to Real-life Context using Augmented Reality | Design | Graphic Design |
Jamie Pearson | Online and Distance Education | Strengthening the Online Learning Environment for ECI 416 through Virtual Simulation | Education | Teacher Education and Learning Sciences |
Meghan Manfra | Rapid Design | Enhancing the Digital History Graduate Course | Education | Teacher Education and Learning Sciences |
Michelle Bartlett | Online and Distance Education | Alignment of Master’s in Training and Development Courses with Association of Talent Development’s Core Compentencies | Education | Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development |
Jessica Hunt | Rapid Design | Re-Envisioning Exceptionality- Widening the Space for Special Education | Education | Teacher Education and Learning Sciences |
Lina Battestilli | Critical Path Course Redesign | Critical Path Course Redesign of CSC113: Introduction to Computing – MATLAB | Engineering | Computer Science |
Xinyu Zhang and Emil Polyak | Exploratory | Virtual Reality to Enhance Bioprocessing Course Curriculum | Engineering | BTEC |
Mary Wyer and Heather Perkins | Exploratory | Scientist Spotlights | CHASS | Psychology |
Lori Foster | Rapid Design | Modernizing DE Psy 307, Introduction to Industrial-Organizational Psychology | CHASS | Psychology |
Adriana de Souza e Silva | Rapid Design | Redesigning COM487 as a DE Course | CHASS | Communication |
Stephanie Jeffries, Zakiya Leggett and Marcelo Ardon | Critical Path Course Redesign | Introduction to Environmental Sciences (ES 100) | CNR | Other: Environmental Sciences is part of Forestry and Environmental Resources |
Janell Moretz and Erin Adair | Exploratory | Special Event Planning Using Virtual Reality | CNR | Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management |
Elizabeth Dempster | Critical Path Course Redesign | Redesign of Precalculus Mathematics Math 111 | Sciences | Mathematics |
Karl Wegmann and DelWayne Bohnenstiehl | Exploratory | Exploration of a Location-Based Learning Platform for Higher Education | Sciences | Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences |
Jay Levine | Online and Distance Education | Catastrophic Earth | Sciences | Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences |
Jane Lubischer | Online and Distance Education | Neurobiology of Learning and Applications to Education Grant Proposal | Sciences | Biological Sciences |
Sarah Khan and Neal Parker | Critical Path Course Redesign | Redesign of BUS 340 (Information Systems Management) With Flipped and Hybrid Approach | PCOM | Business Management |
Olga Kleiankina | Exploratory | Interactive Class Piano: Web Book and a Mobile App | DASA | Music |
Melissa Ramirez | Faculty Fellows | Faculty Fellows Grant | Sciences | Biological Sciences |
Stacy Supak | Faculty Fellows | Faculty Fellows Grant | CNR | Center for Geospatial Analytics |
Justin Post | Faculty Fellows | Faculty Fellows Grant | Sciences | Statistics |
James McConnell | Faculty Fellows | Faculty Fellows Grant | CHASS | Foreign Languages and Literatures |
Angie Smith | Faculty Fellows (Continuing) | Faculty Fellows Grant (Continuing) | Education | Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development |
Justin Post | Critical Path Course Redesign (Continuing) | Adaptive Learning and Improved Critical Thinking Skills in ST 370 | Sciences | Statistics |
Sarah Heckman | Critical Path Course Redesign (Continuing) | CSC 326 Course Redesign – Creating an Agile Course to Support Software Engineering Process | Engineering | Computer Science |