Registration Open for Block 3 Fall Workshops(Archive)

Registration is open for DELTA’s Block 3 Fall Workshops.
All classes are free and open to faculty, staff and teaching graduate students.
Workshops include new and familiar topics to help you wrap up the current semester, and assist with your Spring 2018 course preparation.
Block 3 workshops run November 27 through December 15 and include:
- Fostering Group Work with Collaborative Online Tools
- Storytelling: Engage Your Mind with Good Presentation Design
- Gamification Open Lab
- Making Connections and Building Community in an Online Synchronous Course
- Improving Curriculum through Industry Partnerships and Virtual Reality (VR)
Now that you’ve gained some tools and knowledge in designing an online course using Quality Matters, it’s time to finish off your experience with part 3 of the Online Course Design Series: The Online Syllabus.
Do you need some assistance tying up your Moodle Gradebook for the semester? Drop into one of our “Moodle Gradebook Open Lab: Calculating Final Grades and Submitting to Registration and Records” opportunities available each Friday in December, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in CTI on Centennial Campus. Registration is recommended but not required.
To see a complete list of offerings and to register, visit
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact or 919.513.7094.