DELTA Testing Services Staff Receives NCTA Grant

DELTA Testing Services received a $1,655 grant this summer from the National College Testing Association (NCTA). The purpose of the grant is to offer opportunities for professional development and to encourage professional support activities. Testing Services used the grant to pay for a half-day professional development session led by Learning & Organizational Development, an afternoon planning session, lunch for the office and team T-shirts.
Associate Director of Distance Education Administrative Services Sharon Broere said, “This was an opportunity for the staff to come together and work on team building in an environment outside of the office.”
As one of five recipients of the national grant, DELTA Testing Services staff were grateful for the possibilities the grant created. The team was able to collectively decide how the funds would be spent and worked together to choose a T-shirt design. The T-shirts were purchased to be worn at the NCTA conference in Seattle and team retreat. “The grant made it possible to purchase items that we would not normally be able to with state appropriated funds,” Broere said
The goals of the team retreat were enhancing team communication and relationships to support the development and implementations of customer-related initiatives, creating a sense of inclusion, boosting team morale and implementing a plan for the expansion of services.
After receiving the NCTA grant, testing services staff members benefited from the opportunity to team build and work collaboratively. “It helped to set the stage for future planning and development of ideas outside of our everyday processes,” Broere said.
This spring, DELTA Testing Services received certification from NCTA. Read more