Campus Partners Bring Diversity to DELTA Workshops & Seminars

This semester, DELTA has once again partnered with NC State faculty and staff members from several departments to provide a diverse selection of free workshops and seminars. These campus partners will share their expertise and experience on a variety of topics related to teaching and learning with technology, including online course development, course accessibility, social media use and small group collaboration.
From Roots to Shoots: Developing a Hands-on Distance Education Botany Lab Course from the Ground Up
The first of the seminars, “From Roots to Shoots: Developing a Hands-on Distance Education Botany Lab Course from the Ground Up,” will be taught by Chad Jordan and Jim Mickle, instructors in the Department of Plant and Microbial Biology. The speakers will relate the experience they gained while collaborating with DELTA instructional designers to adapt the on-campus PB 200 course material for use in a distance education (DE) course with a hands-on lab component. They will also highlight several of the multimedia solutions that DELTA specialists helped to provide for the DE course, such as digital flashcards and a slide virtual viewer. Instructors curious about the process and benefits of transitioning to an online teaching environment should be sure to attend the seminar, which is scheduled to take place October 23 at 12 p.m.
Using the IT Accessibility Quick Guide to Meet NCSU Course Regulations
Next in the lineup is a seminar led by the University IT Accessibility Coordinator for the Office of Information Technology (OIT), Greg Kraus and DELTA’s LearnTech Support Specialist, Lisa Fiedor-Raines. “Using the IT Accessibility Quick Guide to Meet NCSU Course Regulations” will be useful for any instructor interested in using the IT Accessibility Quick Guide to ensure that their online courses and materials meet the university’s requirements for accessibility. The seminar will begin at 12 p.m. on October 31.
Legal Considerations for the Use of Social Media in Higher Education
Clifton Williams and Shawn Troxler from NC State’s Office of General Counsel will lead a seminar on the “Legal Considerations for the Use of Social Media in Higher Education” on November 6 at 12 p.m. The speakers will advise attendees on properly implementing social media for instruction and avoiding potential legal problems that could result from its use. They will also provide time to answer related attendee questions.
Translating Technology: Creating Small Group Learning Stations in an Online Course
Peter Hessling, an instructor in the College of Education, as well as Kerri Brown-Parker, Bethany Smith and Nathan Stevens of the College of Education’s Media and Education Technology Resource Center (METRC), will present “Translating Technology: Creating Small Group Learning Stations in an Online Course” on November 13 at 12 p.m. The seminar will cover the development and implementation of an online version of the collaborative “learning stations” in the “School and Society” course. Instructors who would like to effectively duplicate in-class activities in an online course space may be particularly interested in this seminar.
Moodle 2: Grouping Users
Leigh Jay Temple from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) IT department will lead the “Moodle 2: Grouping Users” workshop on November 21 at 1:30 p.m. The workshop will focus on the creation of groups in Moodle, the different types of groups, assigning groups to groupings, using the gradebook with groups and other related topics. After the presentation portion of the workshop, participants will have ninety minutes to work on their Moodle courses with one-on-one assistance from workshop instructors.
Register Now
Interested in joining us for any of these workshops or seminars? Register now or check out other DELTA workshop and seminar offerings.
The seminars will be held in the Multimedia Seminar Center, while the Moodle 2: Grouping Users workshop will take place in ITTC Lab 1A. The Multimedia Seminar Center and the ITTC Labs are located on the second floor of the East Wing of D. H. Hill Library. Need directions?
If you have any questions about these seminars or others offered by DELTA, please contact LearnTech at or (919) 513-7094.
Related Links:
- Sign up for DELTA Workshops
- Visit the DELTA Portfolio for examples of other DE course development projects
- Get directions to the Multimedia Seminar Center or ITTC Lab 1A
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