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faculty fellows

Aug 25, 2021

DELTA Announces 2021-2022 Class of Faculty Fellows

DELTA is excited to announce the 2021-2022 class of Faculty Fellows. This year, we welcome four new and five returning Faculty Fellows. DELTA looks forward to working with this group of talented faculty. 

Aug 23, 2021

Bartlett Wins Distance Education Leadership Award

Bartlett wins the SmarterServices Distance Education Leadership Award at the Distance Learning Administration 2021 Conference. 

Students walk up a staircase at the NC State Brickyard.

Jul 2, 2021

DELTA Faculty Fellows Share Instructional Tips for Returning to In-Person Teaching

NC State faculty have overcome obstacles presented by the pandemic and teaching at a distance. As we enter into in-person instruction in the fall, DELTA’s past and present Faculty Fellows share their experiences and tips from the past year. 

Downtown Raleigh skyline, framed by the State College smoke stack. Photo by Marc Hall.

Jun 9, 2021

Meet DELTA Faculty Fellow Lina Battestilli

Teaching Associate Professor Lina Battestilli shares her experiences throughout the DELTA Faculty Fellows program. Her compassion toward students has been a driving factor in improving teaching and learning practices across NC State's campus. 

Students working at the Hunt Library on Centennial Campus find ample space to social distance, with undergraduate classes moved online for the remainder of the fall 2020 semester. Photo by Becky Kirkland.

Jun 1, 2021

Introducing WolfSNAPS

DELTA has a new training opportunity starting in July –– WolfSNAPS: Short Nimble Asynchronous Pedagogy Series. This series of seven quick trainings is designed to provide instructors with information, templates and resources to help you incorporate best practices in online or hybrid course design. 

The copper wolves at Wolf Plaza near the Free Expression tunnel.

Apr 30, 2021

DELTA Faculty Fellows Seize the Day

Michelle Bartlett, Lina Battestilli, Elaine Bohórquez, Christine Cranford, Annette Moore and Julianne Treme have spent recent months writing, teaching and collaborating to enhance the new learning environment at NC State. Here's how they have seized the opportunity to be a DELTA Faculty Fellow. 

Elaine Bohórquez at the NC State Physiology Program graduations.

Apr 26, 2021

Meet DELTA Faculty Fellow Elaine Bohórquez

Teaching Associate Professor Elaine Bohórquez is dedicated to enhancing her courses to improve student learning outcomes. As a DELTA Faculty Fellow, she has spent her time spreading her knowledge of instructional technologies to help other instructors. 

Mar 31, 2021

Save the Dates for 2021-2022 DELTA Grants Proposals

It’s time to set your DELTA Grants project proposals into motion! DELTA Grants is a competitive awards program for NC State faculty and staff. We seek collaborative partners from diverse disciplines across campus to work with DELTA staff to provide innovative solutions for educational challenges.  

Teaching Associate Professor Julianne Treme is a DELTA Faculty Fellow for the 2020-2021 academic year.

Mar 8, 2021

Meet DELTA Faculty Fellow Julianne Treme

Julianne Treme is a teaching associate professor in the Agricultural and Resource Economics department at NC State. As a DELTA Faculty Fellow, she is using her knowledge of learning technologies to help students and faculty find success in an online learning environment. 

Feb 4, 2021

Best Practices for Managing Online Office Hours

How can instructors provide the best support to students who are learning online? Here are some ways to provide synchronous and asynchronous help that will benefit individual students and your entire class from DELTA Faculty Fellow Lina Battestilli.