Meet Alexis Lockett, DELTA’s Online and Distance Education Program Manager

DELTA’s Online and Distance Education (ODE) unit created a new position in fiscal year 2019-2020 to streamline communication and responsibilities both internally and externally.
ODE’s organizational structure changed earlier this year as multiple long-time staffers retired. Rather than fill their administrative and advisory roles individually, Associate Vice Provost Tim Petty and teammates chose to combine them into one new position — online and distance education program manager. The program manager will play a key leadership role as DELTA reimagines how ODE will support NC State academic programs.
“The focus within ODE over the next three to five years will be to provide support for academic programs in ways that add value and can only be done effectively by a central university resource, such as DELTA. The program manager will work with Distance Education (DE) program coordinators and other ODE stakeholders to both develop and implement this new approach,” Petty says.
After an extensive search, Alexis Lockett was selected for the new position. She acts as the liaison between DELTA and ODE programs in academic departments and colleges across NC State, providing oversight, website management and marketing and outreach support to ODE courses and programs.
Lockett joined the team March 2, 2020, just weeks before COVID-19 would shut down DELTA’s offices and the rest of NC State’s campus. Since then, she has settled into the position from home alongside her energetic 7-year-old daughter.
“Besides my new daily duties of homeschool teacher and ‘safety resource officer,’ my day to day includes overseeing the ODE website, managing projects and communications, leading the ODE website team and collaborating with other units within DELTA to leverage strategies and ways in which we can support ODE programs and the university as a whole,” she says.
Lockett’s ongoing goal is to further understand the roles and relationships between ODE, DELTA and NC State. Along the way, she will assess program needs and identify opportunities for growth and support as ODE adds value to its courses and programs. She ultimately hopes to advance a culture of engagement and collaboration, increase efficiency and assist the delivery of excellent programming to foster student success.
Prior to working at DELTA, Lockett worked for the University of North Carolina (UNC) System Office. Upon arrival at NC State, she not only adjusted to a new job but a new mindset, transitioning from the systemwide perspective to an institutional perspective.
“During my tenure at the UNC System Office, my perspective was an umbrella approach centered around providing support to all institutions and students across the UNC system. Now it has shifted to being more focused on students, faculty and staff at NC State University. Although this has been an adjustment, I wholeheartedly believe that student success is the main goal at the institutional and systemwide level.”
As ODE program manager, Lockett is able to do what she loves — support students, faculty and staff. The DELTA team has helped her find enjoyment and community in the process.
“I feel like I have joined a family of loving people who are all passionate about the work they do … Everyone at DELTA has been so helpful, and I am so grateful to be a part of such a wonderful organization.”